Reviews for Let Me Fall
Gorgeous Courage chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
As soon as i saw the summary on this poem on your profile I instantly knew that I HAD to read it. And read it i did. Loved it too, it sort of represents how I feel a lot of the time. Like how I get caught in an embarrasing moment (which btw happens to me on a daily basis) I think "omg how i wish i could commit suicide" instead of like maybe "oh how i wish the floor would open up and swallow me" kind of thing. But anyways awesome poem! :)

Tsukage chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
This would sound so cool as a song...NO REALLY!...i sorta have a tune in my head from reading this...dont worry i wont jack ur never do! AGAIN GOOD JOB!
ShadowPharoh chapter 1 . 4/22/2005
that is really good. wow! _

Shade chapter 1 . 12/14/2004
Holy mother of wow! That was awesome beyond belief! I can see why you have so many dang reviews... you rock! My poems are dark too... maybe too dark for my age and life but who cares! I love the visuals and the raven! I wrote a poem about a raven a little while ago and mine sucks. Hey, you seem like an intellecual person (obviously i am not seeing how I spelt that) but can you review some of my poems b/c they make me feel warm and happy inside which is the only time that EVER happens... wow I'm babbling againWrite more please!

Lellida chapter 1 . 7/14/2004
Very strong and powerful. It's such a beautiful poem. My favorite part is the raven bit. I just love ravens...
silentcontours chapter 1 . 6/26/2004
i really really liked this. reminds me on things.
good work
bach-player chapter 1 . 6/22/2004
enjoyed this poem...put together so well...i can't say anything that the prior 34 ppl haven't said...other than bravo!
Cry Tears of Darkness chapter 1 . 6/15/2004
wow no wonder you have so many reviews, this stuff rocks! im so jealous, lol!
Jim chapter 1 . 6/14/2004
This is evocative of both Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson. The meter shifts back and forth between something resembling regular iambic lines, and more ambiguous meters that ambiguously scan across more than one line.
You show a great deal of attention to craft here, as well as to content. You have a great deal of potential. Keep it up!
Visions of Harmony chapter 1 . 6/11/2004
The summary was right, this is definately worth reading. Great great poem, I loved reading it. yAy Sterces!
love Rozie x x x
katmonkey chapter 1 . 6/5/2004
This poem is amazing, I love it. Great imagery and the words are so descriptive. I've felt like this sometimes. This poem is so full of emotion and there's no words to say how much I like this poem! : ) *claps*
myno chapter 1 . 5/25/2004
despairing... and still beautiful. You are amazing. I admire your writing and if you have time I would really appreciate some reviews from you. 'Echo' is not my favorite poem but seems to be the most popular, so if you read anything of mine read that first.
mizu no kokoro chapter 1 . 5/13/2004
it is kinda dark but it's kool! awesome job!
Decaying Dreams chapter 1 . 5/6/2004
Another good one, Buddeh.. Usually I don't care for repetition from the line before. But it makes this poem sound good. Love-A-Ly, Darling. Just Love-A-Ly. xD
nine iron chapter 1 . 5/1/2004
I hope you enjoy all my works as I have yours. I have com back to read the one or two I have not looked at yet. This one as you said did not disapoint, I would recommend anyone to read it, dark poems are not bad, you have to explore every ally to see what works. The title is good, interesting so I do not know why I have not looked at this yet,probably just time constraints. I think the two mentions of blue in the first stanza could be seperated more maybe but other than that it is very well written, so beautiful descriptions, as a read you almost swirl into a bluw sky with the subject.
The second stanza does well to explain the idea more with the lines "Forgive me.
This raven cannot fly fast enough
On two broken wings" amazing stuff. I think this poem in places feels a little rushed to be posted, it could have just been adjusted in places to improve the flow and reading e the two hows in the second stanzas fourt line.
The final stanza does well to tie it all together, great repetiton, gives us an idea into how the subject is handling this. The pleas are full of emotion and the whole thing makes you take pity on the subject, almost want to save them yourself, tell them there is another way. You then feel you cant help, you want to but you cant. Wow sorry, I got abit wrapped up there. It is a great poem. Very well written, it is set out nice too. The wording is genius, as usual, sort of set yourself a high standard.
Keep writing, I got you on alerts. Cant wait for more of your stuff and your opinions on mine.
Good luck in all your work
Nine Iron
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