Reviews for Princes are Evil
akaCHEEKS chapter 17 . 2/10/2007
tbe funiest part of the story was when umm they were both in the magical lands. and with that dragon brad. and also when gavin was still nolan in the mystical forest or whatever. oh! and when she started throwing rocks at him. then when they were down there in the cave and she was suffocating him! hahahaha!
akaCHEEKS chapter 16 . 2/10/2007
hey that last line right there was pretty smart! haha LANA-love allows no abjections. nice!
Lovediamond15 chapter 18 . 1/31/2007
omg! i absolutely love it! it is amazingly fantastical! yes i am slightly crazy, but apparently there is someone who is more crazier...yeah that made sense, shh! it did! ok? gd, gdgdgd, im listning to such a random song, oh yeah! the review, well, rabits are scary, i agree with that, and i want a horse with red eyes, seems kinda cool, and the charries are great! i love them! - well, i shall read the sequal tomorrow, now, i have an hour to do lots of homework cos i was stupid and well, not stupid but i read this story when i should have been, c yas
Angel of Ink chapter 18 . 1/29/2007
I LOVE this story. Poor Gavin... as soon as he feels something, it's jealousy.

I met a guy once that had black hair and gorgeous black hair. That's totally irrelevant, I know, but still. Gavin's looks reminded me of him.

What ever happened to Lana and It, anyway?
Redd Danvers chapter 17 . 1/24/2007
This story had me in straights from the get go. Rhian's a funny girl, very much like a dear friend of mine. I shall have to read the sequel shortly after, but this was enjoyable.

And I totally relate to Rhian's resistance to falling in love with Gavin. I went through that with another guy who was ridiulously gorgeous...of course unlike Gavin, he really was a player (who got his girlfriend pregnant! Glad I got out of that...).

I liked this story very much.
abandonnnnned chapter 18 . 1/1/2007
A very interesting story... I loved how the dragon just showed up out of NOWHERE lol. Cute.
yoo rin chapter 17 . 12/1/2006
haha man this story really is something! you should make it a picture book or something. its really witty, creative, weet.


Yoo rin
WindWarrior chapter 18 . 11/25/2006
OMGsh. I just have to review. I've been too lazy to compose a wonderfully complimentary review before so I must now. You are so so ridiculously wonderfully insanely funny. I love you already. reading your story, reading your profile, you're a wonderful person. I think it's so wonderful of you to read your reviewer's stories and their comments too. I love your quotes [from your profile...don't you just love capt. Jack Sparrow?
Skeptic-Critic chapter 18 . 11/17/2006
*makes wierd little contented noise*...*glares at other students using library computers who are looking at her wierd*...*gnashes teeth and gives her best death glare*...*starts cackling when the computer lab empties rather quickly*
Skeptic-Critic chapter 17 . 11/17/2006
Yay...They got together...Although I'm kinda glad you slowed things down in 'Or So The Story Goes'...This one goes REALLY fast...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 16 . 11/17/2006
Heheheheh...Rat tongue...Kinda like...Umm...Like serpent's tongue...Despite the fact that I can't remember the name of it...Yes I'm a Harry Potter fan...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 15 . 11/17/2006
Yay...It's Gavin...She kissed Gavin again...Or maybe she didn't kiss him back...I don't remember...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 14 . 11/17/2006

Yeah...So...'Or So the Story Goes' is WAY different...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 13 . 11/17/2006
Heheheh...She's so amusing...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 12 . 11/17/2006
Let me just say...I'm definetly going to have a six pack after reading this...Doesn't laughing work out your abs or something like that?
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