Reviews for Once a Friend, Never Forever
izzy chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
jeez...dats sad...but then again i love it(emphasis on the "loved") but then again...dont ever?
itzme chapter 1 . 4/20/2004
this poem reminds me of how i keep changing schools...and i meet so many new people...i've been to 3 different elementary schools...and therez so much i wish i remembered...all the good times_but i know i won't forget you and all the other ppl i've had so much more good timez with here_NEVER
maybe maybe not chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
oh man... this is a great way of putting it. the exact feeling i was feeling about an hour ago when someone who use to be my very best friend when we were younger walked into the place that i worked and we just stood there and acted like we didn't know each other... looking in opposite directions and trying to look occupied in something else. it was very strange... and i felt kind of sad. anyway, i just wanted to tell you how great this was in expressing that certain feeling.
A Chroi chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Oh, goodness...this brings back memories...not good ones, mind you, but memories nonetheless. Wow. I'm left speechless. I know EXACTLY how this feels, or, if not exactly, I know pretty much how it feels. This is so well-written.
BlackLilyArcher chapter 1 . 4/15/2004
WHE SO GOOD! and sad... do i haf to check ur wrist for scars? cuz i will pretty soon...
Aslan Israel chapter 1 . 4/13/2004
I feel your pain. I used to be really close to some people, but then, something changed, and we just had nothing in common anymore. It's really sad. your poem was so true. good job.
trisket-n-gunther chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
wow that was really good! i liked the ending lines, it was good! please review me back thanks!