Reviews for Only You
Arm chapter 9 . 1/9/2007
I like this chapter too, but I don't like that she 'went along with his childish ways'. I didn't think it was childish, merely survival. o.O But yea me likies
Arm chapter 7 . 1/9/2007
Oh I'm so glad you added more to this story . I was going insane not knowing what was coming next...Wow, I must say this is my favourite chapter, your writing has definetly improved! Man, it was so good .

Third World chapter 1 . 9/22/2005
Rawr! Ms. CC, tis I, Phuc. ] I signed up to give you a review and to post some of my stuff. We.

Anyways, I think this story is remarkably good for a young person such as you and I, but there's a few glitches here and there.

In chapter 12, line 22 or so, " Layla couldn't stand seeing the two of them so happy together. She couldn't stand Layla standing at the side of Billy. She couldn't even stand seeing Billy so happy.. because he was happy without her."

the "she couldn't stand layla standing at the side of Billy" should be serena. ]

Gah i want to know what happens. The cup noodle gods bless you.

Lan Jian chapter 14 . 6/8/2005
Yay you updated! ...wah, poor serena. Update soon! I wanan see what happen next!
Lan Jian chapter 13 . 5/7/2005
Wow... this story is just beautiful. I hope you update soon!
Ridley Jack chapter 6 . 3/21/2005
*hiss* stupid boy!But at least others are realizing what she's really like.
Ridley Jack chapter 5 . 3/21/2005
Nobody does anything while Serena does this? Ok, Tim, I can understand because he's used to seeing her fake side, but Layla? Didn't he just have a couple surgeries?
Ridley Jack chapter 3 . 3/21/2005
Ok, he knows she's practically abusing him, but he still hangs with her? I know your summary said he was dense, but I didn't think he was this dense! And I'm not just talking about his relationship (so-called) with Serena, but with everthing else, too.
Ridley Jack chapter 1 . 3/21/2005
FRIEND? She's his FRIEND? How could you be friends with someone who does that to you? Admittedly, yes, he's clueless, but c'mon, he's gotta notice that something is wrong there!
Arm chapter 13 . 3/19/2005
what? WHAT? you're just going to leave it like that? argh you *insert bad word here* :'( i want more...haha very good. interesting...i WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! haha hurry and update...goddamn viruses...
pna1unkn0wn chapter 13 . 3/18/2005
MUAHAHA! YESH! A new chapter! ::does a little jig:: Billy's so innocent. Haha, so funny too. Layla... How I despise her. SHE WILL BURN! I can imagine it :] muahahaha! Serena, YOU GO SERENA! Ruin their little dinner, really actually just Layla's. I WILL be waiting for the next chapter. This story is so great ']. Well see ya later dudes.

Arm chapter 12 . 3/10/2005
I REMEMBER NOW! i dont think i reviewed them but i did read them! that horrible horrible bi*ch layla if i cud jump into a story and kill a character that'd be her. and yes in my earlier review i DO realized that although i said 3 more chapters there was only one : it late gimme a break eh? but wow i loved the part where serena was babbling you hav no idea how much i do that when i just snap like that. wat else..there was something else i cant remember...argh..damn WILL come to me...OH YES my favourite part where she is imagining the entire scene (and getting a lil carried away i might add, silly serena) i loved it! and i laughed out loud when i read the (insert material here blah blah) lol it was great update soon gosh darnit!
Arm chapter 11 . 3/10/2005
well fuck i cant remember if i've reviewed this part or not. ive been so busy i havnt been able to keep up with the story and here it is like ehre is 3 new chapters i have a lot of reading ahead of me. but as for this chapter i wanna cry! thats so sweet! and i love how the last sentence is the title like just wow. im being all girly with my likes and just wows but its late and im excited to get back into this!:D:D:D
pna1unkn0wn chapter 12 . 10/16/2004
WHOO-HOO! New chapter ]. This one was quite interesting. [That demonic thing (Layla) should still drop dead I.] I feel so sorry for Serena; and Billy as well. He is very dense, very. He can't see Serena like him *sigh* ::pats him on the back::. Good Chapter. Keep up the good work. ]
Isle of View chapter 4 . 9/20/2004
Billy is so innocent! the part where he laughed about the ice-cream thing cracked me up. and poor Tim.
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