Reviews for The Wind
Caitir chapter 1 . 5/26/2004
simple, but the images are lovely. very well written.
catseyeview chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
very pretty poem...I also love the poem in your bio!
BERRYLICIOUS chapter 1 . 5/22/2004
a very beautiful interpretation of the wind. keep writing! :)
HideAwayFairy chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
Beautiful, the way you describe the wind in different forms is so cool. I love the first stanza, how you describe it as a child, beautiful. Thanks for the "Come Away with Me" reveiw too. You're one of my fanorite poets here and your feedback is really appreciated.
BlackLilyArcher chapter 1 . 4/17/2004
i luv how u described da wind. it's great
CaitSpain chapter 1 . 4/17/2004
I think the only two lines that didn't fit (at least to me, anyway) were "Swirling petals of daffodils" and "who learns in many ways..."
The daffodils line was clever-I don't think I would've thought of that rhyme, no matter how inspired I was at the time. I only think that "swirling" doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the words in the poem. Maybe the line might be better "And through the daffodils" or something like that. Just a suggestion.
The final line is another story. Granted, it could be one of those symbolic turns of phrase. However, Saying "the wind is a teacher/who learns in many ways..." just doesn't make sense to me.
It also seems as if this poem is it could use one more stanza to bring it to a close. Then again, there isn't necessarily an end to the wind, so it makes sense in that regard.
Keep writing!
AntiPleasure chapter 1 . 4/17/2004
Oh wow D So short but sweet. Beautiful imagery, personification and metaphors. Perfectly done. You used a lot of abstract tools to describe the wind. I like! _
Jenna xx
Epona04 chapter 1 . 4/17/2004
that was beautiful, i always loved poetry which dealt with nature!