Reviews for Snowdance
ramenrandomness chapter 19 . 10/10/2011
Can't believe I'm only reading this now, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it, so keep writing!
The-Alpis chapter 38 . 3/31/2011
this was a wonderful story that had me enraptured. A word of advice though, there are several spelling errors and wrong word choices in the story and you'll need an editor to get the book out. Cheers!
AJ89 chapter 21 . 8/2/2008
Gotta say it since its been driving me nuts. They way you write your questions is annoying as hell. '"Question," whoever said it?' That's not gramatically correct and as anal as it is, it makes me cringe and not want to read any further. Its much easier to read: '"Question?" whoever said it.' Just thought I'd let you know. Love the story though...
wolf-of-the-dark-night chapter 1 . 1/25/2008
Hello, I have read your story numerous times, and I even own a copy of the book, and I love it! As i was reading it this last time, I noticed some gramatical errors in spelling, and double words and such, if you are interested, I can give you a list of the ones that I found. I dont know if this can be of any use to you, but it might come in handy if you do a second printing or something. You're welcome to send me a private message or reply if you would like me to send you those possible errors that I found...

Diamandis chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
Whats it about?
0.0 NightRiders 0.0 chapter 38 . 8/20/2007
OMG tis story is TRULY amzing.
bamagirl chapter 38 . 8/18/2007
Just wanted to say that I loved this story! bravo!
0.0 NightRiders 0.0 chapter 23 . 8/16/2007
Tempest116 chapter 38 . 4/14/2007
Great story, I enjoyed reading it. I admire Mac's character she's a strong woman. I like to read story with strong female characters. There's too many stories here on fp with girls with no confidence and are very shy *rolls eyes* This book was definately a breath of fresh air.
Angel-Aray chapter 38 . 3/20/2007
All I can say I usually dont like western type stories and like more fantasy type stories...but since the first chapter i was...sucked in. Thank you for writting so beautifully :D
anon chapter 38 . 1/25/2007
Take it of Why would people buy it if they could read it here? (great story btw)
youpin chapter 2 . 12/30/2006
Strangely Natural chapter 38 . 12/18/2006
BIG APPLAUSE! My goodness what satisfying book! Such a beautiful couple, SO glad things worked out for them, and that the loose ends are tied up. One of my new favorites to treasure always! Congrats on the publishing, hope the sales stay high for a long time. Please update soon, on your knew stories, can't wait for more of your skillfully woven sagas.
frackandbonechick chapter 38 . 9/22/2006
It took me days to read this story, but it was well worth it. This story was absolutely amazing, i don't usually read stories like this but i was hooked straight from the start. I loved it!
ann chapter 38 . 3/22/2006
A great story! I would advise to write a summary so even more people will read it.
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