Reviews for Dance of Death
Jo The Pirate chapter 1 . 8/30/2004
This is so beautiful...I love it. It is wonderful imagery...very well-written.
Always Writing chapter 1 . 4/23/2004
Aw, how sad.
The last stanza is perfect. I love the line, "The rain poured down, weeping in duet..." it's so descriptive, and fits really well. "Screaming along with her pain," gives out great imagery.
Fantastic poem, however sad. So emotional, but so, so descriptive. I love it.
rogue mystique chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
your dark moods make great poems! This was very intrigiung and i wish there was more, it was brilliant! thanks for reviewing Just Leave Me, by da way! :)
izzy chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
DAT'S so SAD!but true in some cases...come to think bout it...oh, is god! well, loved it! heh..._
P.S: arent u almost always in a dark mood when u write ur stories/poems?...Or are u?m
itzme chapter 1 . 4/20/2004
holly! i luv ur poems! you're such a talented writer...and dis is juss da first new poem i read...can't wait to read da others_all da emotions and descriptions are all so real...i know i've felt them least da first part...second part comes later i suppose? (P) you should submit your poems into a contest sumwhere, you're sure to win_the a/n part reminds me of how when i'm feeling sad...I draw sad things...sad ppl and stuff, itz like when you're feelin' "dark", you write a dark to read all da other poems, see ya in da next review (;D)
maybe maybe not chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
aww... i liked this! you have persuaded me to read your other work! and i know how you feel, or at least the girl in your poem. haha, no one would ever think that the pretty ones would be hurting inside, right? good job with this!