Reviews for Are you crying?
Blackberry Sage chapter 1 . 11/16/2004
That was extremly beautiful... I was seriously crying. It makes me think of the first time I attempted suicide and after I got out of the hospital my best friend was just standing there, tears running down his face and he just hugged me and held me there.
That part of Naruto makes me cry every time! Haku was the best.
Blackberry Sage chapter 1 . 6/14/2004
Omg... this is so wicked awesome. It reminds me of what I was thinking of when I was so close to suicide; how would my only friend feel if I left him alone? Words cannot express how well this poem connects to me.
btw: I cried when Haku died! The background music to that part is so pretty, I have the piano music for it.
izzy chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
dats so sad!*sniff* (voice breaking) way to go!*sniff*
itzme chapter 1 . 4/22/2004
OMG HOLLY! I get it skool i didn't realli get that she was uhh...dead, and still it was good_ now that i get it, it is so much better than before! GO HOLLY!
BlackLilyArcher chapter 1 . 4/21/2004
...if it describes naruto and haku, then shouldn't it b in fanfic? i'm confused...BUT IT'S GOOD! and sad