Reviews for Incarnation: the Deep Thoughts of Yoseph
Mirrorlily chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
The Virgin Again poem struck me very deeply. It echoes the way I've felt far too often recently. I've done some stupid things, trying to be straight, and end up giving more than I can afford to. Thank you for the poem.
aasdfghjkl chapter 6 . 2/1/2005
Alex hunny, god I wish I could just be there to give you a giagantic hug! I hope all is going well with cutey, even though the baka is straight... maybe, just maybe he's hiding something? You can always hope... Loves, hun, you've done a great job with these! There is such an expression of emotion, like all of them! I love you're poetry and can't wait to read more... be careful, and don't go off and get hurt... -

Fragile-Ego chapter 5 . 1/31/2005
I wasn't gonna write a review, 'cause it probably wouldn't of been as meaningful as the others, but eh what the hell. I don't read poems...i hate them very much. But i really loved these. I thought nobody was going through more pain then me.
Taylor-Ame chapter 5 . 12/19/2004
Oh my God. I have just read all pages of poems here and each and every one has blown me of you have captured thoughts and emotions so beautifully. Alex, you have led such a traumatic and brutal life that will haunt you for the rest of it, however I have such admiration for your strength and ability to find Adam, so virtuous and pure. Your poems were utterly beautiful and awe-inspiring. I commed you both and wish you both good luck in your life together. All the best.
aasdfghjkl chapter 5 . 12/18/2004
Aweh... these are so sweet... so full of love and emotion... -hugs- and cookies to the both of you! Alex, tell Adam that he is a wonderful writter, just like you! Much love you guys!Loves,Alyssa
SeraphJamion chapter 1 . 9/22/2004
These are very good; at least in my rather unimportant opinion. Tell Alex that he's gifted in getting his feelings and thoughts across in his words. I'm new to this and have only submitted one of my poems that i wrote years ago but i really liked his. Thanx!
Seraph J.
felicitous4u chapter 3 . 7/8/2004
I absolutely loved the third one. It just sent a big knife through my heart with the last two lines.
These poems so make me shiver everytime I read them, but its a good shiver, I suppose...seeing as I am not any sadist, I still read them.
The imagery in the words is brilliant. Its something I have a hard time getting over.
Cheers, love.
SoulSister chapter 3 . 7/2/2004
these are really excellent poems. it gives an indepth look at the darker side of the world. I hope Alex gets a chance at a better life someday.
aasdfghjkl chapter 3 . 7/2/2004
Aweh! Alex you don't cut yourself do you? -sniffle- thats bad...
anyfoo... wow... that is almost all i have to say... these poems like the others are so deep! it amazes me sometimes, how much stuff one person can go through... but then again... we all go through alot of stuff dont we? hn...
i'm here if u need to talk about ne thing, u already know my aim [ shadowwhisper17]
. ~Alyssa~
felicitous4u chapter 2 . 5/31/2004
goodness, that's awful, but what's the point in my saying so. You know its awful.
This is great poetry because it reflects not merely everyday teen angst, but the true angst of a tortured soul.
Cheers and kisses.
your guilty pleasure chapter 2 . 5/23/2004
O...M...G! Poor alex! *hugs him and buys him palace and lotz of everything he wants* that's just... I hate reality... I really do... NO1 should have to go through that... this world is so cruel and messed! *hugs alex again*
your guilty pleasure chapter 1 . 5/2/2004
OMG! POOR ALEX *hugs him tight* NO ONE should have to go through that! NO1! aw... I hope his life gets better.
lghtangel chapter 1 . 5/1/2004
Shinigumi chapter 1 . 4/26/2004
wow, i really dont know what to say
these were really something and writing is always a good way to vent
...damn, i wish i could think of something better to say
aasdfghjkl chapter 1 . 4/24/2004
Wow... these are... amazing for his first poems... definately a deeper insight into his life, and his feelings... poor Alex, it sounds like he's been through too much for the tender age of 16. I hope everythings going better for him since the Dark Angel Story. He sounds like a sweet guy, innocent for as much as he's been through...
[huggs to Natey and Alex]
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