Reviews for Weapons of Mass Destruction: The poem
greenbanana chapter 1 . 5/15/2004
yep... as I said in the other review, war is evil... although I'm an American so I guess I can't be as angry, seeing as it is my own country who is to blame... but don't blame me, I voted with the majority. gr evil bush monkey
ApplesCM chapter 1 . 4/28/2004
I really like this. It shows how you feel about the war in Iraq and I think more people should say how they feel. Good job. I really like it.
Zeph1z chapter 1 . 4/27/2004
Have you ever spoken with an Iraqi? They don't see it as you do. But, of course, sitting over here watching from your television and reading the news is easy. To them our troops are a relief.