Reviews for A Swordsman's Chronicles
tokyomewmew chapter 3 . 1/29/2005
You know I just realized how crappy your titles to your storie were..I think you can do better on that
PurpleRoses chapter 2 . 6/27/2004
Well, I finally got around to reading this. It's pretty good. Kind of confusing depending on the type of material you're used to reading but if you pay attention it's understandable. I like it. Keep it coming Mr. Swordsman.
Infinite Smiles chapter 1 . 6/1/2004
I have alraedy mentioned this to you, but I will feel free to repeat myself. I love your style. Many of the stories here on FP, are written in a style that could not be published. THis, I could very well imagine seeing come out of a book that I pick up at the local Barnes and Nobles... Well done. I look forward to finding this on a shelf one day.