Reviews for Pass You By
mrs mia wallace chapter 3 . 1/12/2005
that man gives in too her how dirty and hurtful she is! yeah? that'd certainly screw up her head...bring in a busty blonde who may or may not seduce her way...oh, wait, that's a jackie novel, lol...i like the way she uses tears to get what she she really sorry or just gagging for a bit? loving this and dying to know whats gonna happen...and ill check it out on the other site...i shall email you later when i get in from work (about 5pm london time..and ill tel you more about that publishing house, i dont think theyre genuine)

laters xx
Lola Sanchez chapter 2 . 1/12/2005
i read this ages ago; when i returned to ficttionpres...please update, youre so you have an agent? have you heard of a oublishin house called xlibris? i got another email from them and was curious
tiger lily8 chapter 1 . 5/2/2004
How sweet. I like this because it doesn't end tragically. Good one!