Reviews for Miri It Is
Sheen chapter 6 . 6/29/2004
Really like your story - it's plot is different from the rest of the stories and I like the seeming on and off romance between Will and Sibyl.
PhiloNysh chapter 5 . 6/28/2004
Wow! This is absolutely amazing! Update soon!
poohba chapter 5 . 6/13/2004
I love the little sparks of humor you put in your stories.
That made me laugh out loud.
I like the odd mix of sexuality and religion in this chapter. In one breath Sibyl's worried that she's dreaming of Judgement Day. In the next, she's making out with Will and later on, getting a dressing down for it.
And then - Enter the Earl. He sounds sexy. Which means trouble. What does this mean for Elizabeth and for Will? I'm eager to find out.
Sira Morgan chapter 4 . 6/3/2004
Great story! Keep writing!
poohba chapter 4 . 6/1/2004
Here you've updated twice before I've gotten around to reviewing! I've been terrible about going on fictionpress lately. Sorry.
I really like this Will guy. I was a little shocked to find out he's five years older than Sibyl, but I suppose back in those days they would have blinked at a 14-year-old girl being with someone that YOUNG.
Anyway, Will has a good sense of humor, he's sweet and he has a mysterious past (and present, for that matter.) I hope Sibyl's friendship with him grows into something more - although that will make things complicated. I shuddered when Conwy came to talk to her though - especially after she was telling Will she'll probably be expected to marry some old duke.
Ew! Creepy old guy! I don't want him getting any ideas about Sibyl being available!
XianChic chapter 3 . 5/28/2004
Amazing. i am falling in love with your story! will is so cute! but i wish he 2 years younger- 5 years apart seems like so much!
keep writing your story! oh- in the first chapter, somebody said "oh, yer " when u say "yer", it sounds scottish or irish, so you should say "och" instead of "oh". but good job!
SapphireLight chapter 3 . 5/27/2004
this is a pretty good story- keep writing :)
poohba chapter 2 . 5/15/2004
Ooh. I like this Will already. ("I like me too" - I had to laugh out loud at that. _)
The other ladies - the jury's still out on. I dislike them at the moment, but they could grow on me.
I can't wait to see what happens to Sibyl next.
poohba chapter 1 . 5/11/2004
Ah, 14th Century England. My kind of setting. lol.
Seriously, though, I'm in to this already. I already have Sibyl pictured in my head.
The earthy way your characters talk is just so right for this setting. The rhythm, the words, everything. (The cook just reminded me so much of the way Anya Seton portrays Hawise!)
I hope you continue with this for a long time. Sibyl seems a worthy successor to Gwenour.
CraziCoconutz chapter 1 . 5/10/2004
*cheers* Another story from you!Your writing is always so discriptive and has a nice flow to it. Good work and please update soon!
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