Reviews for Peter Pan
The Melancholy Cocoa Bean chapter 1 . 9/3/2006
river phoenix. what a legend.

this is so beutiful *adds to faves* well, it is beautiful. the comparison to peter pan was incredible - id never thought of it like that before.

'images of you live in my eye'

amazing. i have my own river poem *ashes of the phoenix' if you'd ever wanna check it out. keep it up man :D
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
River lives on in the hearts of all who still love and honor him. Keep up the good work.

Much love,Juliet.
Nearly There chapter 1 . 5/17/2004
This is very good and incredibly simple.
It's very moving.
Well done! :D Feel free to check out my work, when ever you want :D
Tipped chapter 1 . 5/16/2004
o.o thats amazingly touching and amazingly simple... me liksey mucho.
You another newbie? We've been getting floods of new authors here at FP, and you my friend have been a busy little updating bee. 4 already? most people dont even put any up on their first day... anywayz, welcome! and a tip if you want lots of feedback, you've gotta review LOTS of people. see ya round!
astro-traveling-angel chapter 1 . 5/16/2004
I love the flow of this poem and the meaning behind it. It is a lovely piece!
could u pop over 2 mine and have a look, tell me what u think?