Reviews for Heaven Can Wait
Aaron Tilmeran chapter 4 . 6/21/2004
This was a very surreal chapter. For some reason, the Mata reminded me of the Thames from the excellent Square game Xenogears. However, the Abomination Machine was surreal, and very Lovecraftian... Keep it up!
Aaron Tilmeran chapter 3 . 6/21/2004
This is a very interesting chapter. We have Willart's past exposed all at once, and there's a new character introduced we don't know much about. Still, I'm anxious to see.
Aaron Tilmeran chapter 2 . 6/21/2004
The dialogue seems a bit clunky, but the narrator, Willart, seems like an interesting character. Kneecaps indeed...
Aaron Tilmeran chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
Pretty nice idea you have here! So, another fan of Confluence. Good. We need more post historic stuff on this site.
Cam S chapter 7 . 6/18/2004
More informative than story-heavy...but hey, still a good chapter. I'll be waiting for the next one.
Zygnus Windell chapter 6 . 6/8/2004
Very nice. The Chainsword is indeed a wonderful invention.
Cam S chapter 6 . 6/8/2004
oh, good. A break from the traditional romantacized view of the station of captain. I like Willart.
I also like the history you've got here, I'm very interested in seeing more.
Calvin Fitzgerald chapter 2 . 5/29/2004
I like the premise so far, but the dialogue needs to be worked on a bit. It doesn't sound like things any real human would say, especially frieghter captains. The tone sounds too clipped. Other than that a good story, with a solid protagonist so far. Good job.
Calvin Fitzgerald
Haku chapter 5 . 5/29/2004
Heh heh heh...yes, it certainly is good to see Iwan in one of your stories again. Very good tale so far...I like the Abomination Machine, too.
Lateralis chapter 5 . 5/28/2004
Lots of information and little action in this chapter, but interesting anyway. It's nice to see Iwan come back as a saint.
Cam S chapter 4 . 5/27/2004
Interesting stuff...this is sort of similar to a mixture between Xenogears and Unravelling, which is an odd mix. Good, nonetheless.
Your chapters are kind of short, but I'm not complaining...a longer one, now and then, might be nice, though.
Lateralis chapter 4 . 5/26/2004
This is really good so far. It's very well written. Abomination Machine!
Grace Hsia chapter 3 . 5/24/2004
You have a thing for giving people voices inside their heads don't you? _ I like this story! It's very unique, and it's got a very humorous, refreshing, sarcastic tone. :D Please update! And are you a guy or a girl author?
Rayne chapter 2 . 5/19/2004
It's been a while since I've come across a story as technically sound as yours. Thank you for taking the time to get the grammar and spelling right. It's stories like yours that keep me coming back here. It seems an interesting premise. I'm not entirely sure what to expect but that's part of the reason I'm interested I guess. This Captain Tanneich fellow. He seems a bit, well, quick to action. Maybe a bit too quick, but I'm sure I'll find out why later. My only criticism is that the dialogue seems a bit stiff. It's like the characters are trying to explain something to the reader. I know that's part of what they're really doing, but the dialogue loses some of the flow if you overdo it. Just a little thing, though, and yours is much more natural than most others I've seen. All in all, very well done. I look forward to reading more.
Cam S chapter 2 . 5/19/2004
I must say that this is an interesting start. Though it might be necesarry to explain how the captain got all those skills...
(I love it. How can I not like something I influenced?)
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