Reviews for Raindrops in the Ocean
Barbados chapter 1 . 8/29/2005
Hm... will you never cease to amaze? You already know what I would say about this.. masterful, beautiful, brilliant, yadda yadad... but seriously, you're very talented, and this is proof. It's easy to see why some of the older poems are your favorites. After all, they are ours too :)
Wee-lil-pirate chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
i wanted to thank you for you beautiful reviews and return the favor! the title caught my eye, so of course i read it- and loved it! it was awsome...i love how you used rain to symbolize people...very creative! :D i don't have the time now, but i will read more of yours soon! cheers.
DuVille chapter 1 . 7/7/2004
argg! i like your works! this actually is somehow encouraging... it's nice. i'm a sucker for these types of poem topics. Ü
nicely done!
Alhana Starbreeze chapter 1 . 6/24/2004
I still think this is your best one kate
well probably untill you finish your other one
i'll try to help this weekend
sc4sc chapter 1 . 6/7/2004
That's beautiful, it really is... Gives me hope again _
... Words fail me. I really ant to write a good review on it, but I can't. I can't find words for it!
btw, I made a poem dedicated to you, or your name... check it out some time! (oh yeah, my poems aren't so depressing no more _')
Eagle Seance chapter 1 . 5/30/2004
You've touched on some very deep stuff there- well written. Great work! (i love the line 'not even a drop of dye can change the ocean's grayish blue' that was pretty cool.)
arbysauce93 chapter 1 . 5/30/2004
Wow This is so beautiful and so uplifting! I love the metaphor of raindrops, and the idea about dye. greta job. Definately one of m favorties. keep up the good work!
arwen-evenstar89 chapter 1 . 5/30/2004
this is definitely one of the best poems i've ever read! Keep writing!