Reviews for Mistara: The Vampire Who Kills Her Own Kind
Lady Psycho 14 chapter 1 . 1/19/2006
Hay very nice I really liked it fabulous. Keep up the gr8t work. Smilez
Pheo chapter 2 . 6/8/2005
I like this one its very good hope the next chapter is as good as the last 2 :)
Mezo chapter 1 . 6/8/2005
hey its Mezo I have finnanly got the time to read your fic. I like it so far and it was quite short for a first chapter but it dosnt matter really, but for me longer first chapters make it more clear for the people who read it, But then again if the second one has more to tell then its fine with me :) over all very good chapter _~
doubleJynx chapter 12 . 3/3/2005
Hey girl! gotta say i really like your story. suspencful 'n all that good stuff. I SO did not think Jules was the one that was to die. you pulled it off really well. ttys ;)
NoFlyingPigsHere chapter 12 . 9/14/2004
yay, u updated! cant wait for more.
Mallebauyaibale chapter 6 . 8/24/2004
Wow, I'm only on chapter six, but this is freaking amazing! WHE!
Mallebauyaibale chapter 2 . 8/23/2004
Wow, I'm only on chapter two, but I absolutely love this so far! Yay for stories about vampyres. You have put a very cool twist on a story that most people would think would be mundane and just like every other vampyre story. Very good job
NoFlyingPigsHere chapter 9 . 8/16/2004
ok, the reason i wrote two of the same review was because the computer or something said the site was experiencing overload and that i had already reviewed the chapter. just had to explain
NoFlyingPigsHere chapter 10 . 8/16/2004
love it happy that u continued
NoFlyingPigsHere chapter 11 . 8/16/2004
Love it. happy that u continued.
Aphrodides chapter 10 . 8/2/2004
You didn't quit! Update soon!
Robert Martress chapter 10 . 8/2/2004
Nice to see you decided to continue.
This is a good chapter, It's nice to see the plot moving along.
NoFlyingPigsHere chapter 8 . 8/2/2004
sad ur not continuing. Wen you check this site, You can check my profile. it explains y i can't update.
Robert Martress chapter 9 . 7/27/2004
Yep. You should't stop. There weren't technically any problems with you'r knowledge of vampires apart from anything else. Theres no real "official" version. For instance, the original dracula was able to travel during the day, he simply lost his powers when he wasn't in his coffin. SUnlight and such like didn't kill him, he was eventually killed by having a stake through his heart and a knife in teh throat if I rememebr correctly. And holy water simply repelled, not injured vampires. It's really all p to you how your version of vampires works.
Queen of dawn chapter 9 . 7/26/2004
NO! please don't stop i will gladly help you out to find out what you need to know about vampires, come on...if you can update your other stories surely youcan update this as well...
Queen of dawn
if you change your mind and want to continue writing it (please, come on i don't ask for much) tell me. You can just write it in the review section of my story
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