Reviews for For the Love of Hockey
christianchick2 chapter 6 . 12/28/2004
hey hey, you have agreat story going hrer, you gotta add more chapters though, keep it going its awsome!
Clavel chapter 8 . 8/3/2004
Ohh, so sweet!
Clavel chapter 7 . 7/26/2004
Aww, Drew is so sweet!
Clavel chapter 6 . 7/18/2004
Well, that' was brave on Jessica's part, I wouldn't take a guy to my parent's for anything.
Hope to read more soon!
Unkown chapter 5 . 7/7/2004
This story is nicely organized and it contains words that attract the reader. It seemed that the auther dreams to be in this situation and the story is professional written, meaning that the author has the capability of become famous.
inconsistor chapter 5 . 7/5/2004
Wow! This story just seems to be getting better and better...I wonder if a movie would be a good suggest make of this story? My suggestion would be to not slur what each character is saying with what another character is say...get me? eg "yesterday I went out." "Oh yea wow!" like put it in the next line. Other than that it is looking great!
xillbeyourcupid chapter 5 . 7/5/2004
aww theyre together now! *smiles* update soon!
christianchick2 chapter 5 . 7/5/2004
Hey, sme once again! great set up girl! love the story! Keep it up !
fae chapter 5 . 7/5/2004
still lovin it. yay, they're together!
Clavel chapter 5 . 7/5/2004
Aw, how sweet! They are dating!
This Drew fellow is awful quick but in a good way! I mean, if they like eachother why not be together? right?
Anyway, write more, I'm loving every second... Specially when the guys are so gossip-y!
Clavel chapter 3 . 7/5/2004
Nice lunch!
sdoan19 chapter 4 . 7/3/2004
Good story! I think that it is coming along beautifully. You may want to go into more detail with the hockey during the matches even though you are not really focused on that part. But i mean since the group of girls are fans couldn't they kindof narrate the penalties and play-by-play? Just a suggestion. TTYL!
christianchick2 chapter 4 . 7/3/2004
hey sme again! well that story is getting very interedting! keep up that great work!.. umm i am jsut startingon my story, but i should be done chapter one any time now! so i 'l let you know when!
christianchick2 chapter 3 . 7/1/2004
Wow..this is a very different story from most other romance! I can't wait for you to continue your talent with writing!Maybe cut back on the details...just a TAD bit but over all great!
xillbeyourcupid chapter 3 . 7/1/2004
i like it so far. please update soon.
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