Reviews for Connection
The Quotidian Life chapter 20 . 10/14/2012
Hey there
Great story you've written; I loved every bit of it. Just a suggestion but you should probably change the status of this to completed. Because I don't really like uncompleted stories, I use FP's filter to only search for completed stories. I only found this by chance as it wad on another person's favourites list and I decided on a whim to give this story a go, even though it wasn't complete.

But I'm glad I did because it turned out to be a great story and I love how you created the characters and storyline. The relationship between Justin and Lila was amazing! I can't fault the story based on grammar and English, so I honestly can't believe that I was thinking about not reading this story!

Congratulations on a wonderful novella.

NightBlossom chapter 20 . 6/23/2010
cute story! in some of the chapters, I think some words were missing from several sentences, but it wasn't hard to follow.
secret obssesion chapter 20 . 6/21/2010
setting the story with the main characters in a gaming company was very unique but i loved everyminute of it! thanks for the great story
Last Wish chapter 20 . 4/18/2010
Loved it! Considering that I'm from the San Jose/San Fran region.. totally awesome. (:
christinaxxyo chapter 20 . 11/4/2009
Hahaha, that was a great ending. I loved how persistent Justin was! He's great and so was this story. You did an awesome job :)
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
I liked how you started it off because it was really interesting to read. I can tell I'm already going to really lik Lila and Justin :)
esssjay chapter 20 . 7/27/2009
i really enjoyed reading this story but i was quite disappointed with the ending. it was a huge anti-climax ! i'm glad lila and justin got together but i wish things could've been ended differently. things just seemed a bit abrupt. either way, thanks for the read :)
esssjay chapter 6 . 7/26/2009
i think if you ever choose to do an editing of this whole story, you should probably get rid of the whole indenting for dialogue parts thing. it's just unnecessarily distracting coz it suggests it's a new paragraph/scene when it necessary isn't the case. time lapses should also probably be indicated, even if it's just an asterix or a gap immediately preceding it.

i'm enjoying this story so far. will do a proper review at the end :)
bubublacz chapter 20 . 7/14/2009
LOL! I really love your story! especially since it's about a girl who is a strong and a guy who doesn't put her down and that there POVs just come out spontaneously, I really hate those ones whererin they dedicate a whole chapter for this person and another and so on. Also I love it because it was connected to the gaming industry! And I so want to say that YEAH! GIRLS RULE!

Irritated though that it took Lila a lot of time for them to get together and also when you change scenes like for example she's here then you show justin at another place I get confused because you only separate them with a single space... Sorry, I like reading organized ones.
deltaphi chapter 20 . 6/13/2009
LOVE this story, making it to my favorites :)
Aragorn is mine chapter 20 . 5/5/2009
wowo awesome story D
I Murder on Impulse chapter 20 . 5/3/2009
Aw great story!
Y. Neytorla chapter 20 . 4/25/2009
Loved the story, but i was beginning to get worried when Lila wasn't willing to get closer on chapter 18. I was just like 'God, no! Two more chapters left. This girl better get over her drama.' But it all worked out. Keep up the great work!

ParaKisu21 chapter 20 . 4/10/2009
Great story. loved Justin and usually loved Lila. She was bit stubborn though, which seemed to drag the romance.

Biggest problem would be the distinctions between scenes. Otherwise, nice read
Twist Their Emotions chapter 20 . 3/22/2009
Great story! Cute ending, and I love the characters and the whole concept. It was well written, but lacking scene transition and you definitely had typos. Definitely enjoyed it though.
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