Reviews for Watching Me
Diablo Darkmoon chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
I liked it.. however I think that maybe it you could have used stronger words in this sentence
'I see your face
Glancing at me.'
Faces can't really glance, eyes can but because you already used eyes you could try,
'I see you face,
Glancing my way.'
Your poems that I have read so far are really good, you should go farther with them and broden your word choice. _
-Diablo Darkmoon
izzy chapter 1 . 7/13/2004
how the way! wut in the world is 7391?
dusk orchid chapter 1 . 7/13/2004
oh...I like the repetition and the feelings here. Haha...I can relate to this...very nicely done!
btw thanks for reviewing..."Thorns of the Fallen"!
catseyeview chapter 1 . 6/24/2004
I can feel the scenario and tension...thanks for your review "On Which I Sleep."