Reviews for The Power of Love
YOUR NO FAN chapter 1 . 8/21/2008
Lira didn't know what was happening, until she found herself on top of a handsome face

write a sequel!

Leona Zhang chapter 21 . 10/11/2007
Oh leona, what a lovely story!

I've always wanted to experience pure bliss...the feeling of being truly at peace Ahwell...the closest i've been is enjoying a hot shower in a cold winter's morning!

But now, there's ur story!
ANGEL992210 chapter 21 . 3/11/2007
a really amazing story.
Kira chapter 6 . 3/25/2006
c'mon... first 2 years then 3 and now for?
Hell's first Icicle chapter 21 . 10/27/2005
OMG! ah! i read ur story on ficpress, and i wundered if i knew u, coz u replied to eva'z reviews wiv her name and E! ITZ YOU! *runs away and hides under bed* jkz. buh srsly... i hate u. uve put me behind mi work...i shud hav started studying for yearlies at least today, but no... u just HAD to write such a gud fic, didn't u? huh? HUHN? shit. plz restrain me from reading ur other stories... *drools and looks at page hungrily* ok, gross. *sniff* o.O flying ice-cream cones! *runs into field of daisies and begins singing in very off-key voice* oh lookie! butterfly! m... peanut butter... wait. gross. I HATE PEANUT BUTTER! at the mo, newayz. DEATH TO GREEN PEANUTS! BWAHAHAHAHAH! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...


hobowu chapter 1 . 6/28/2005
hmm...continuing this would be nice , *gives leona full support* u can always edit parts u dun like:D, so far so good though
Catharsis1410 chapter 21 . 6/26/2005
Love the story... Indeed, love conquers all.
Harlett With A Halo chapter 21 . 5/11/2005

Well it seemed like the ending was a little abrupt, but I still enjoyed it. I am still around I just work full time nightshift so it's often a hastle for me to get on the net. On holidays for a week though so I am trying to catch up. Keep up the writing, don't forget that not all love stories have to have a happy ending
JustLikeMe91 chapter 1 . 5/7/2005's me again...I was just wondering if you were planning on writing a sequel to this story. If so...or not can you jsut e-mail me at ...thanks:)
gcgurl chapter 20 . 3/12/2005
muahahhahahhaha u sed 2 review.. so yeh...OMG thatz so schweet... treu lurve *sigh* and btw patrick soundz SO kute
smoocha chapter 21 . 3/12/2005
AH U ROCK..LOLZ..DAT WAS SUCH A KEWL, SOPPY, PERECT, SOPPYICATED LOVE STORI..I LUURV IT...luv u...excellent ..u rule!1 still sighin from happiness
smoocha chapter 13 . 3/12/2005
hahahahahaha i hope he breaks his neck..actualli no..i hope he falls, falls on top of gia and gives her concussion..or sumtin like dat

nyhoo..yes yes..ure tokn 2 me c wot u rote
smoocha chapter 1 . 3/12/2005
hoot...u go readin dis..4 da first time..and i am LUVN IT SOO i hafta go read da utha chappies...plodge plodge
moi chapter 1 . 3/11/2005
hey do ppl still review dis stori?
my-side-of-the-story chapter 21 . 3/11/2005
great epilogue leona! omg! so twisted! nice! future! Nice!

k, i shall read u'r new stori now

btw... u would probabli fit in my suitcase... its just da weight i'm worried about... :)

~Luv Jing~
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