Reviews for Double Crossed
elze chapter 1 . 10/1/2004
NO! The beautiful Anarchy lady can't die!
NO!that SON OF A B(oar)_!
vague-perception chapter 1 . 9/8/2004
Great story! Wow, you know, this is just the sort of thing my dad - and I suspect most dads - would read. Espionage, secret agents, anarchist groups, the lot!
Whew, it was very suspenseful and it's cool the way the viewpoint changes so rapidly; it makes the action flow nice 'n' fast and gives you the whole picture. I kept changing sides throughout the whole thing!
You seem to know a lot about this sort of thing (raises eyebrows) - DOUBLE CROSSED is very professional and reads like a chapter straight out of a thriller novel!
Which once again leads me to ask, have you ever considered being an author? Or a secret agent? :D It's so realistic, I think I should be scared...
lol Anyways first-class story and keep them coming! *dodges a stray bullet* Hmm, think that was a subtle sign for me to get off the comp...Happy Spyin-er-Writing! ;D
Tk.T chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
Oh! This was very suspenseful! This would be totally awesome if you added another chapter to ths!
Happy writing!
Makisha Korian chapter 1 . 8/31/2004
Wow...I like.
Marry the Orange chapter 1 . 8/29/2004
That is by far the best short story I've ever read. I love espionage and government-agent type stories without the spoofiness. If you can possibly write it better, if it's possible, I think I'll badger you to rewrite it.
Rose of the Dawn chapter 1 . 8/26/2004
Whoa! Talk about ruthless enemies! 0_o. Each made(or at least one tried) plans for the other to die painfully! Ouch.
I'm liking it so far. It sounds like a great story of spy game and mental tension. You better update soon or I will um, yeah, something. Ok, stopping now
BeccaBoo14 chapter 1 . 8/11/2004
aha, yea, kinda... not what i expected... BUT GOOD ALL THE SAME!
CrystalDusk chapter 1 . 7/12/2004
is this your major? because it's seriously different to the one i read... i am so hurt you didn't show it to me... after that whole xin/kate fiasco too... oh wells. the story's not bad! it's a bit weird and i don't get some of it but i get the general gist. and the general gist is pretty good! so it must be very good because usually i don't get the general gist of confusing stories. so very good! well since you just abandoned me and you're urging me to write deathcheater i am going to say NO. you think you can avoid me by going offline? HUH? well buster you are wrong! hahahahaha! no i think deathcheater tayks too much thinking. i'll give the old brain cells a rest tonight... anyways your majors pretty good... better than mine. looks like you won't flunk!
Fandinango chapter 1 . 7/1/2004
Very well done. I enjoyed reading this piece, it had a great flow, and was easy to move through reasonably quickly. I think its genius lay partially in the fact that it was so succinct, and all the words used served a purpose.
A well composed and interesting piece.