Reviews for Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale
Collins-A chapter 9 . 7/3/2014
Ha! Take THAT lady!

My goodness that was satisfying. Too bad he didn't slap the lady.
Itsa Mia chapter 36 . 3/28/2013
aww, I was having a nice time reading this. it's a shame it's over, I really enjoyed it. I'm always hoping stories will just keep going an
Itsa Mia chapter 17 . 3/27/2013
just thought I should say that it was difficult to follow who was shaking in the first half of this chapter. I liked it for when the children were speaking since it added to the gayety, but when the count was leaving I was pretty confused. It works if it were a script, but I think clarification there would make the chapter better.

that being said, I'm enjoying the story. are the ravenashi (lol can't spell) people more like Arabic or African people in physical appearance? I have this problem that I noticed in middle school that I tend to imagine everyone as Caucasians as a default. You can't really blame me though. I'm not even Caucasian.
dorome chapter 36 . 12/3/2009
I just finished to read this wonderful story and i must say i enjoyed so much. All your charcters are so well formed and most off them are simply so loveable.

Thank you so much for sharing this story.
Ephira chapter 36 . 8/16/2009
Wow...At first I thought that I wouldn't be able to read it (I just can't bring myself to read stories with too much description in it :s) but I've been so into your story those days that I was even dreaming of it at night _

Plus, in the end the details were very welcomed, at the end of every chapter I was like 'I want more :p', I have to say that you write really well, your characters are all charming and unique, and I just can't believe there won't be a few Schean and Karos moments anymore before going to sleep :(

Sorry I can't express myself very well in English but I want you to know that I just loved this story, that you write like a God and that it's something you can't afford to lose...I won't allow that! :p

Hope to read more of your stories soon,

lotrdeana17 chapter 36 . 4/24/2009
This story was wonderful! I really enjoyed it. I've never read anything quite like this, so it was really fun. I wish there was more! I never wanted it to end. Schean and Karos are very sweet. I thoroughly loved reading about their lives. (Is there a sequel?)

Very well written. I enjoyed it immensely. _

All the best!

- Deana
wtfwaswrongwithteenme chapter 36 . 3/6/2009
This story was so good. I'm happy to see slash that has a different plot line than the cliches and the fact that it wasn't sex every chapter made it worth while.
paputsza chapter 11 . 9/26/2007
omfg! A dress Made out of squirrel. That's just cruel. They don't even smell when they're alive. poor, innocent, thin haired creature.
Midnights Scream chapter 7 . 7/23/2007
And the plot thickens! *smile* things are starting to happen.
Midnights Scream chapter 5 . 7/22/2007
interesting! I don't know exactly who's plotting and against whom and I definately can't tell if you're going to pair anyone up. I like it though
Midnights Scream chapter 1 . 7/21/2007
Sounds fairly interesting and i shall continue to read! I like the whole different whole thing.
zoule chapter 36 . 8/15/2006
Very well written story. Awesome :)
zoule chapter 2 . 8/13/2006
I seem to have developed a slight obsession with minstrel stories (having just finished The Minstrel Boy by Cinaed Born of Fire). I love this :)
Guest chapter 36 . 5/27/2006
hey! i liked this one a lot also! very cool story!
xanthofile chapter 36 . 8/27/2005
wow, first off, i have to protest that this story is far under-reviewed! and i apologise that i've waited until the very end to put my opinion down, but it was simply to enthralling for me to be able to wait to read more.

this was...quite simply, one of the best pieces i've read in a very long time, and i've read quite a few. it's good that you don't solve everything at the end, that there's more that could be known but isn't. such a nice touch of intrigue, if i do say so myself.

you have a great use of detail, and the wonderful ability to create colorful and lifelike characters. so i quite humbly bow before you in this. wonderful job.
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