Reviews for The Light of Games
vague-perception chapter 1 . 11/25/2004
Initially it seemed random (it is, in a good way) but then some sort of weird chant started going off in my head - it has its own unique rhythm! And the rhyming parts fit in well. So cool! I love the repetition. I read it out loud (And yes, my sister is staring at me as if I'm some sort of nutcase)! It gets the game-addict feeling across very well. I never knew...!And KT (didn't know you had an account! :) ), 'Kate' is Xin, but "Xin doesn't rhyme with gate"...or at least so she claims :D
L2SkT chapter 1 . 11/11/2004
we hab a KATE in OUR GRADE? o_O S im so lostd.. ur story v random n 2 fast for mah slow slow brain to register lolz buh stil i can tel itz v gud from all thoz wurdz zoomin past..all dat xcerciz! i feel so bad n lazy n unfit now..'( must xcerciz..
Hannah Jae chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
Wow! Funny! Nice job! I love the randomness of it all.
BeccaBoo14 chapter 1 . 8/11/2004
lol, your weird, but in a good way :-)
fadedrainbows chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
LoL, I've never heard someone so obsessed with games (I mean this in a good way :P). This is awesome and fun.. great job!
kaika switched chapter 1 . 7/14/2004
It is more fun to read it out loud. Kind of leaves you breathless almost. I really liked it. Very fast paced and easily pictured. Keep writing!
CrystalDusk chapter 1 . 7/6/2004
hey suga! its XIN not KATE. i repeat. da KATE in diz poem is really XIN. cept xin dint rhyme with gate. how sad. my name dunt rhyme wiz gate so it got changed into kate. how depressing. and also gracie baby surely those games weren't worth RUNNING for? i mean...running...sweating...its just not natural! wel. anyways. part from that whole KATE thing this poem is...amusing... yeah. amusing... ok ill shut up now
W3DNESDAY chapter 1 . 7/4/2004
hahaha.. so this is what it's like to step into the mind of a game addict.. you sound like a maniac.. or a manga character, lol
i totally read this aloud and i start really getting into it in the middle and i started panting and getting out of breath.. my brother was like "what the hell are you reading?"
hahaha "run, run run!"
anyway.. i loved it! i'm a moderate games addict.. i like online games better than say, ps2 games.. (i suck!)
i'll remember that nice little tidbit about integrating running into your life..
o, and i didnt kno that austrailians called the subject "maths" too
p.s. thanks for the review.. i'm really really trying hard to get the second chapter up.. but my co-writer is on vacation (damn her! she's in sinapore and rome while i sit at home and do piles and piles of homework)
AND.. i'm swamped with homework..
BUT... summer school (no i'm not going 'cause i failed classes, lol) ends in 2 weeks.. maybe if i can get past my sat prep hw it'll be done in ... 3 weeks from now? hopefully! cross your fingers!
opaline chapter 1 . 7/4/2004
That was fun to read! ESPECIALLY the head-rolling-off bit!
Keep writing. :)