Reviews for Forever True
GoBsNgObsOfGlUe chapter 1 . 2/7/2005
Uhhn that pendulum's making me feel dizzy. ha ha! 0.o Greato!
Dream A Little Dream chapter 1 . 1/5/2005
I just wanted to say thanks a million for all of your wonderful reviews! You all have helped me to find my inspiration again. Well at least with my poetry. So thank you so very much.

~ Dream A Little Dream
jemraja chapter 1 . 8/31/2004
when i first skimmed it, i was like, ah, yep, same old *deep* words... and then i actually read it closely, and its very true - you've put a lot of thought into this piece, and every bit of it is true about life, in its own way... hahah i just noticed what your poem was called
beautiful uplifting message at the end! lovely piece
Mormon Princess 1 chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
Nicely written. It's better then any of my poems I have on here!
drunken-doll chapter 1 . 7/23/2004
I like it alot...I totally agree with you about should write more
Tutube chapter 1 . 7/19/2004
HOW COME YOU ONLY HAVE ONE POEM! WHY DO YOU ONLY HAVE ONE PIECE OF WORK UP! you should seriously do more! this was a great poem! _ very well writen, quite deep, and i agree with it completely.
Life /is/ what you make it, it's all how you take every day, every situation, and every problem that comes at you. . . with a positive atitude, or pessimistically. But no matter what you do, life goes on.
Great job! keep it up! _ *thumbs up*
Crescent Angel chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
Life is deffinitaly what we make it. No matter what happens, no matter how much we hate it, we still live it. Your poem is very true, yet and I quote from a manga, "When you feel like things are at their worst try to enjoy yourself the most." I hope one day you get your flame back, because you are a fantastic writer and I would like to keep reading your stuff. Try and have some fun infinitely lost on your break. This is a great poem...
catseyeview chapter 1 . 7/12/2004
I would not despair, your inspiration will return...You are a great writer and it is evident in this poem, I esp. like your line "Life, The Strange word that it is." It is strange, rough, and beautiful and this also is evident in this work your wrote. I hope you decide to return.
Weird Wings chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
Whoopee! Wow! That was tubular! We are wierd. Left Wing choked on a peice of Life. Literally.
flyinfrogg chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
I hate you! Just joking. i'm full of jealousy, green, dark jealousy with a cherry on top. Be inspired by my words. GET YOUR OTHER WORK BACK UP!
I'm done.