Reviews for HyperSpazzing Inc
kayttea chapter 2 . 1/8/2005
crazy-ness. are you ever going to update this again? please do i really like it! til next time!

Laura chapter 2 . 9/4/2004
HA! That was hilarious! You included the weird people I meet on trips, AND Mrs. Foofoo! I'm so proud of you Mia! *wipes away tear* And Mr. Zartman would be proud of you too!
luckygrl07 chapter 2 . 8/27/2004
pacopuppy chapter 2 . 8/27/2004
lol, i'm asten's future sister in law, hehe. ...qrst..u, hehe. garrett *sigh*. that's kool that u, garrett, and erin talked. ya, hm, maybe i'll have another blonde moment before u write the next chapter. ya.
Candy-yum-yum chapter 2 . 8/27/2004
HEY! are you making fun of jessicas? huh? HUH? lol, jk. hey, i also wanna point out that it wasnt a CHARMS book he peeled off of the cealing with a broom, it was an ENGLISH book, ugh, how DARE you make charms emglish, social studies is charms, duh, and yes i no it would make more sence to make it history of magic but i dont care.
and anyway, since when does the owner of hyper spazzing have "kinda normal ideas?" i wont press that matter.
as we all know, jessica's all have an uncom- oops, i mean common simalarity, and its not isrelda! we all secretly turn into hyper spastic employies every full moon, for exactly one month... so that means that we have no life or freedom, moving on.
poor mrs. foofoo, she tripped over one of her boys. i dont know who would get this story if they wernt our friends, it has way too many inside jokes.
I'm to bored to update earning wings. FINE, MAKE ME! see if i care! *sob sob*
WA! school in THRE days! no fair at all!*pouts* now if you dont mind, i'm going to go pet your shoe... i secretly kidnapped it but you dont know! muahahahahahaha!
*shutting up*
couldya tell i'm hyper? moohaha.
- jess the mess
- spastic peas
- lucky charms
- superhappysmilyfacegirl
- Candy-yum-yum
- *sings* i wish that i had jessies girl... jk, lol. ok, i'm ganna write for a wile, i'm overdue, lol.
OJW chapter 1 . 8/5/2004
Hahaha I love this! it's so playful and carefree! like Freestyle and you're just letting your imagination roam around!
Rock n roll girl.
x0x-Still-Alive-x0x chapter 1 . 7/31/2004
hehehe i really liked this! _ e! sorry, but that's the insane part of me *hides under bed* did u no my frind has voices inside her head? Well, me and my friend both wrote a story together and its called "The Adventures of Stupid Runi" check it out if u have time! _ ciao!
kayttea chapter 1 . 7/31/2004
wow. maybe i'll steal you idea! muahahahaha! have you notice that in every reveiw i write i put in muaahahaha somwhere? yes. good. very good. *pats you and gives you a pretty pink cheetoe. col...* one thing was wrong which i hated. THERE WHERE NOT BLUE MEN! you big meanie. blue men are blue. and blue...and you left them out. you and all your pinkeness forgot about the blue men...grr... well that's all for now! WRITE MORE SOON OR I WILL DROWN YOU IN YOUR OWN POOL THING! (also you can't get me wet anymore so hahahahaha!)*adds you and your story to fav.*
Earthsong12 chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
Ha! That was great! I wonder what it’s like to have that stuff in my head all the time. Oh well, I have something similar, anyway. _
pacopuppy chapter 1 . 7/10/2004
omg, mia, i loved it! it's so true! are you planning on having another chapter? you should. i wouldn't change anything about it. Yay! Good job! wE!
Candy-yum-yum chapter 1 . 7/9/2004
OMG! i laughed so hard. so many inside joke, i see you've also captured my words of wisdom "Physical pain is just as bad as that... other kind of pain" you see peoples, i was stuck on a word... Wouldnt it be funny if a lion jumped out? Hilareus! you should make another chapter with a dancing pinapple. It would be kool...Maybe you should tell more stories about our troubleing middle school life *sob sob* add more laura, she can be the sane part of your brain, your consence. When i read the beguinning of this, i had a vision of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, when their going through the tunnel on the boat and evrything is all creepy... I loves this story, write more of our oddities! esspecially mine, muahahahahhahaha*cough cough* BOTHER!
- Jessie the maybe Kathryn or if u wanna be impolight, call me superhappysmilyfacegirl... i made it up when i was like, 10. OK! moving on... *wistle wistle*
WriterGrl11 chapter 1 . 7/9/2004
Whe! Bikinis, pretty pink, haunting insane voices, and music videos! You hit it all!
FunkySkunky91 chapter 1 . 7/9/2004
Witty and funny. I laughd out loud on several occasions. It's a great idea and you use it well. It's just wierd enough to be funny.
Purified Angel chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
hi! lol ur story is funny and entertaining at the sametime. really entertaining how u made up ur own world and did all the...stuff
KonekOniko chapter 1 . 7/8/2004
Hmn, that's the inner sanctum of your mind? You should see mine, it's scary, I lost a retard in there once. Ah well, entertaining story. Update soon! ~Sumi-chan