Reviews for Ruins
Alankria chapter 1 . 11/18/2005 Simply. I remember watching it on TV and being completely wordless, and this poem captures the emotions perfectly. Wow. Well done.
FictionPressPenName chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
That was possibly the most beautifully worded thing I've ever read. I was about to hightlight a line I liked the best, but... I honestly can't find one. The whole poem's amazing. Please write more!
Arkash chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
Very nice, and it rhymes.

I don't really like poems, but sometimes they plague me until I write them.

This one is good! *_*
insanity is sane chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
I don't cry often, your work was beautiful. Thnk you for reviewing and for the typos I know I made them but that makes my work my work. Very emotion filled and powerful.
Cloud Burst chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
bittersweet and powerful. beautiful work!
Clap Clap Raise Your Hands chapter 1 . 6/5/2005
oh wow, i like all the parts about angles and nature, very good to incorporate this in, i like how this poem is so tragic without seeming to be trying to, like this a lot x weasel within x
redravenwings998 chapter 1 . 3/10/2005
purely powerful and lovely to read, this is the best way to get your emotions out without any fighting or raising your voice. i admire your work, and Anime Freakizoid has updated Dark Blind Ice now!
Anime Freakizoid chapter 1 . 11/26/2004
that really is an emotional poem that reminds a lot of people how they felt when that happened...but though we grieve, we must learn to heal and try and move on, truly an inspiratoinal work!-anime freakizoid X_X

midnightwanderer254: uh...anime freakizoid...we have a problem...


midnightwanderer254: (points to door) that!

OH NO! IT'S THE VOODOO SKITTLES AND FORKS OF IMPENDING DOOM! uh...must go and battle possessed objects of magical disasters...have a good weekend!

midnightwanderer254: DIE SKITTLES DIE, COME TO MY MOUTH AND SUFFER! *evil laugh*
b likes to write chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
Oh my goodness, this was powerful. September 11th went by yesterday and I barely gave it a second thought, but then today I read this and... wow. Very moving, and your rhyme scheme is awesome. I haven't been to ground zero since that day, but I visited the sight of the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania and it was very sobering. I could imagine this poem being read aloud there.
Confused-Mind chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
wow...that was great..written on a sad subject but written well...Good job!
Helga G. Rodriguez chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
Something that shouldn't have happened
and that could have been avoided.
I think human beings haven't
grown up as they should have...
So,all the negative and sad
things end up the wrong way.
Some people in this world
don't think,like you or many people do,
...I agree with you...It's a sacrifice.
Post Apocalyptic chapter 1 . 8/1/2004
Wow. I really liked it. By far my favorite of yours. Very good work. Very good. _
Sang Yu Nung chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
I thought it was extremely sad and descriptive, but I liked it. It had a very nice rhythm and the poem was meaningful and it came from the heart. Great job *write on* .
(thnx much 4 the reviews)
OMGsh yeah we're alike, hehe. I play piano 2 & I LOVE my art classes, pure craziness, but sweet!
Roadside Dryer chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
great, it's very powerful.
dry sherry chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
Hi Gina, it's me, Sharon (um, from school, um from Latin class ... please remember me! . tehe). Eriko (Ezgi) told me about your pen name. Welcome to Fictionpress! I will now start the slow process of reading all of your works (along with the other 80 stories waiting patiently in my mailbox ... sheesh). Okay, enough cute stuff becuase this poem was sad. Well...I wouldn't call it sad exactly. I think the feeling that I got was sort of a creepy, all-is-lost feeling, which I think you were aiming for. I read this twice, and the second time I read it outloud. Scary when I read it outloud. It sounded like chanting for the dead. The pictures you make are hauntingly beautiful, and I loved the ending. I'm wondering, did you write this right after 9/11? The feelings are so intense... Normally I don't like rhyming poems, but this one was nice!
. Sakiko (Sharon
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