Reviews for What's Important?
simpleplan13 chapter 1 . 7/27/2005
I like this format and the ending... and your title... thanks for your reviews
Infernal-Desire chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
i really like the message you're portraying, it's true; what does really matter? materialism or life/love?

your writing is really deep, pienso que es muy guay.
Aquafied chapter 1 . 7/16/2005
dreams and hope, matieral things dont mean everything.

and i didnt mean to say bribery doesnt work, it does, but it just seems they might review for the wrong reason.

interesting poem thing.
behind the velvet curtain chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
To start, thank you for your reviews. They're greatly appreciated. And to answer your question, no, sorry, it's not the same Alice in Wonderland. I wish I could help you with that.

Anyways, I really, really like this. I like the points of view it expresses. It's deep in a way that's not hard to understand, if that makes any sense at all. But anyway, that was meant as a compliment.

Keep writing! :)
Accalia Aeryn chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
Very short, but very nice. I love the idea you put into this. Although, as a suggestion, maybe try not to use one or two word lines a lot. Sometimes it tends to be confusing. Other than that, the idea is one-of-a-kind, which I love. Great writing!
Clap Clap Raise Your Hands chapter 1 . 6/5/2005
oh cool, very interesting! such different lives, i like how you put these two people together, and i like the ending line, sent a shiver down my spine! (i didnt mean to rhyme) hahaha... ok... stop... right... yeah i like this a lot, great structure, kinda listing the two aspects of their lives, v good x weasel within x
Aneesa chapter 1 . 3/20/2005

I wouldn't leave. I liked it though. Everyone tends to leave those who don't have what they have.

LIFE. :(
Anje chapter 1 . 2/9/2005
Very nice, very short- I LOVED IT D you're an excellent writer keep it up!
Anime Freakizoid chapter 1 . 11/26/2004
again another original poem from you, you really go outside the box and that's a way good thing...i bet you will be a famous authoress someday from the pace you're going at!-anime freakizoid X_X
b likes to write chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
"So much cheaper to look away" how true is that! This poem was quick but packed a punch (is that the right phrase?) I love the structure with the parallelism, too. Very nice, very nice. Thanks for reviewing my work as well :)
Lilyoftheflames chapter 1 . 8/13/2004
It is very sad to see homeless people. I'm hearbroken to know that so many people are homeless with no money or jobs or anyway of getting ahead. Very sad...but great poem! Good job! ~lilyoftheflames
Helga G. Rodriguez chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
You do use very well simple situations
that everybody have experimented.
In simple and daily things we
realize what's really matters.
Love is that thing that support
all of us in one way or another.
Best wishes,
dry sherry chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
This poem is so good too! Gah, I'm jealous (I'm also Sharon if you forgot)! I liked how you wrote this poem, all abrubt and non-rhyming. It matched the feeling perfectly. I also liked how I couldn't really tell what you were talking about until near the end. "So much cheaper to look away" - my favorite line, it says a lot with little words.
. Sakiko
Destroyed Path chapter 1 . 7/11/2004
Hey, it me Eriko on my other name. Anyways, short but gave a nice feeling and also I liked the not like mine oh the tradegy and stuff...(yes I am definetly weird) I was going to answer this in mail...but I lost your email address -_-...send me something so I can get it again. Answer to your question I warn you know that most of my poems are some sort of violence towards a girl. Basically it because I love writing about that because I can put myself in that girls shoes and just write what I would feel. And plus i love writing that kind of tragedy, I have always been into tragic, and angst, what can I say. Also I write a lot of it after I watch or read something sad, like when I read about Oto and Megute...that made me write a lot of those poems, just the way Megute felt and gave made me feel horrible. I hope that answers your question, a poem of mine under this name doesn't is a little different. please don't forget to email me.
Ishtar Johnston chapter 1 . 7/11/2004
Moving to say the least! Well done!
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