Reviews for Struggling for Love
storywritergirl chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
Nice start. Like to see where it goes. Please update soon and thanks for r&ring my story. Thought I'd return the favour :o) Cheers,

storywritergirl xoxo
weirdlykewl chapter 1 . 4/7/2005
Wow, I am wanting more to read! Good thing. lol. I like it when stories start out like this! Can't wait till the niext chapter!

~Weirdlykewl P.S. Thanks for the reviews on my fic!
anipike chapter 1 . 1/31/2005
thanks 4 putting a review 4 my story! FINALLY someone found fictionpress! ANYWAYS...your story is great! I can't wait for your next one!
CrazyChik chapter 1 . 12/24/2004
I wanted to say thank you for reviewing my story. I like the way you opened this...I am interested to see where this will go..
AuroraNightSky chapter 1 . 7/14/2004
hey! nice opening, very creative, but where have I heard this story before ;) lolz.
kookytree chapter 1 . 7/14/2004
A creative way of introducing your story and characters; one thatgenuinely hooks the reader. Good job.
Hope you can review my story if you have the time; any feedback would be much appreciated.