Reviews for BĂȘte Noire
Anon Amos chapter 14 . 2/6/2008
This is my absolute favorite story. It doesn't look like you've written anything in a long time though. That makes me really sad cause you are one of the few really good writers that I have come across on fictionpress. If it helps I really like this story so please write more.
La chapter 14 . 3/23/2007
NO! IT ENDS! I normally despise anything with violence and gore, and yet I can't leave this story! I've grown to really like Nikah-with-a-soul. Keller needs one. That would be interesting. Anyway, as to pairings, I favor Lotte with Nikah or Steve. If Keller gets a soul, well, then that will be a lot more interesting. Please, please, please update? I'm fascinated by the interplay of spiritual elements in your story, though the lack of a true God disappoints me. (It is, however, your story and your artistic license, so I accept it. As if I have a choice.) I love your stories, particularly love this one, and ask you to please update. A new, loyal reader.
Butthead chapter 1 . 1/20/2006
OMG. Poor baby.

First chapter, and I like it so far. Good work.

Poor angel!
deletemyaccount2012 chapter 14 . 11/7/2005
original, update soon!
Kirsten-Inwe chapter 14 . 5/1/2005

You have a great story!I'll hope you are going to write more very soon!

ttyl Kirsten-Inwe
lulujynxgemini chapter 14 . 4/4/2005
awesomness! keeps getting better and better! i'm, starting to warm up to Nikah, he's kinda cool, and he's so like innocent and child-like, ya, so anyways, hope there's more soon :)
Aemilia chapter 14 . 4/4/2005
You rock my face off. And, yes, the idea of leaving demon bodies lying around has bothered me. Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer- she always left nasty demons dead in her wake. You think someone would have caught on. Anyhoo. I'm glad you delt with the issue. And I'm also glad you dealt with the issue of demon nudity- this is very important to me. I don't think hot demons spend enough time naked. But don't forget angels- they should also run around nakkie, in my humble opinion.
J.Szewczuk chapter 1 . 4/3/2005
I knew I was going to like this story from the first sentence. Any story that begins with "The blade bit into flesh and sinew, slicing through muscles, veins and tendons with disturbing ease." has great potential, in my opinion anyway. Your descriptions are wonderful. I was actually able to visualize the angel removing his own wings. Keep up the good work!
Innocent Green Eyes chapter 14 . 4/3/2005
Aw...this was such a cool chapter! I have NO idea what could possibly happen next, but every chapter I read just makes me shiver in excitement and pout in impatience for the next one! Can't wait to read more of your excellent story!

God bless and much love,Greeny
Hiaburi dont feel like logging in chapter 13 . 4/2/2005
Another awsome chapter! I love this story _ Hurry up an update! *_*
lulujynxgemini chapter 13 . 3/31/2005
this is an excellent story, i'm really enjoying reading it
Innocent Green Eyes chapter 13 . 3/30/2005
WHOA! That is so cool! I love plot! n_n lol Thank you for updating! I'm glad you're continuing the story, this is so exciting! I hope you feel like updating again soon!

Aemilia chapter 13 . 3/30/2005
Yay, the long awaited next chapter didn't disappoint. I really hope I don't have to wait that long again for the next one. With the plot hooks in this chapter, it would be too cruel.
Alone IN A Crowd chapter 13 . 3/29/2005
Yay, another chapter, and aftter waiting for so so long too. Oh, very good, intersting, she has powers too. The question is...who will she have in the end, Keller or Nikah...dun dun dun. can't wait for another chapter, don't make us wait forever for another chapter.
Hiaburi chapter 12 . 3/18/2005
Loved this story so far. I may not write well but I know when Im reading an awsome story :) I Hope you update very soon or I may have to kill you :)
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