Reviews for Fire Witch
Forever Forbidden chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
You have great names for your characters, and the plot is well done also. Their descriptions are very nice, and so is your writing.

Thanks for reviewing my poem!

criceto-verde chapter 1 . 8/1/2005
Really am liking this...
J.T. Baever chapter 3 . 9/5/2004
aww...Thomas and Lydina are so cute. hah! the thing about the burping contest was amusing; one of my bests friends can burp out her alphabet. ) ooh, i LOVE what you did with the suns and things. about how Feliya guarded the night while her mother slept; and how Gurk is refered to as male while Lyonee is female. awesome-ness! oh, joy! i'm caught up with your story! _ update soon!
p.s. you're the newest edition to my favorite authors list! _
J.T. Baever chapter 2 . 9/5/2004
cool! magic! nicely done. Thomas seems pleasant; very likeable character. the part with the powder tornado reminded me of something in a Tamora Pierce book...Circle of Magic, Tris's Book. that was pretty cool. great job! _
J.T. Baever chapter 1 . 9/5/2004
ooh, nice start so far. i like the fact that you have 2 suns...very orignial. hmm, is your world very hot? uh, you did some weird thing with your POV. in the first part, it's in 3rd person, then you switch to 1st person. O_o that was kind of weird. hmm...but other than that and a couple of spelling/punctuation mistakes, it's all good. your style is lovely and the characters seem real enough. i like this bunches.
Dragonscribe chapter 3 . 9/2/2004
Very nice, it was funny when Thomas was pelting the boys with the snowballs...yeah. Well, I have nothing bad to say about this chapter!
Shiko87 chapter 3 . 8/31/2004
This is such a cute story! I may have said this before, but I just love Lydina and Thomas' relationship it's so sweet! I loved the part with the snowballs. It was very funny and cute. You're doing such an awesome job on this story! Please update soon because I am dying to read the next chapter.
P.S. Thank you so much for all the reviews I just love hearing from you and I'm so glad you like my story. Good luck on your own! I can't wait to read more!
Lady MeiLin chapter 2 . 8/11/2004
This was a very good beginning. I can't wait for the next chapter!
tickledblue chapter 2 . 8/10/2004
this is a great start. update soon!
Shiko87 chapter 2 . 8/9/2004
Another awesome chapter! I can see myself easily becoming obsessed with this story! I like how you revealed a bit of the plot instead of giving us a whole bunch of information at once. I love the two main characters! They're so cute together! And I'd just like to say again how drastically your writing has improved over such a short period of time. Awesome chapter and I can't wait for the next one!
Lilyoftheflames chapter 2 . 8/5/2004
I like thomas! hehe And the magic thingy is kool too, I like wind and fire the best! So you have both of my favorites! ;) Well, update soon, this chappie was really good! I'll be waiting!~lilyoftheflames
Dragonscribe chapter 2 . 8/4/2004
I liked this story a lot. Lydina isn't a stereo-type girl like you see in most stories. Your story is almost realistic if you take out the magic and extra sun. Well, I hope to read chapter three soon, you're an excellent writer!
Lauren334 chapter 2 . 8/4/2004
I like Thomas! hehe! I like every guy in stories though P Can't wait till the experimenting *winkwink*
I like what Lydina's father calls her too. Poppit. Everytime I read that, I swear, I see the dude from pirates of the caribbean go 'Ello Poppit! hehe Could be just me though . . .Yeah it probably is just me P
Anyways though! I really liked this chappie. Again the detail and description you put into it is just so good! I think you've definitly improved in that area. I'm jealous I don't write that well! P Well I can't wait for an update for both this story and Mikona! Don't keep us waiting too long!
Lauren334 chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
Yeah! I'm reviewing! No need to get hit with a stick tomorrow P Let's see what did I like about this story...So far Everything! Your use of description is wonderful, I loved the part about the suns (very unique), and I love the main character already! I could go into much more, but I need to save some of it for the next review ) Love the story!
Shiko87 chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
Oh a new story! And an interesting one at that. I quite like what I've seen of Lydina so far. She seems like a good character for a heroine. Also, I noticed your writing style has really improved. The pacing in particular is much better it doesn't go quite as fast. I'm eager to see what happens next so please continue.
On another note, as a die hard Mikona fan I'm shocked to see a new story before the last chapter has been revealed. I'm just kidding! I doubt you would do twenty four chapters only to abandon the story when you only have one chapter left! So anyway, I really like this new story and would like to read more so please update both this and Mikona soon! Great job!
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