Reviews for Seven Acts
SpasticLittleGirl chapter 30 . 1/6/2011
D: This made me cry so bad :( And I'm glad she left both Jon and Chris, to just be Kaye. GOOD ON HER! :)
aliaschantra chapter 1 . 11/30/2010
This is really good! It's so raw.

And I completely understand her choice.

Thanks for sharing.
ShadowHeHaHo-deleted chapter 6 . 3/3/2010
This story is awesome, I love it.

You kind of inspired me to write a poem based on Jon and Kaye's relationship, before the... incident. I'll send it to you in a message. :)
ShadowHeHaHo-deleted chapter 4 . 3/3/2010
This writing is... I don't even know... it's just... beautiful.
Girl-on-a-pedestal chapter 30 . 3/25/2009
Just finished reading this and got to say it was absolutely beautiful. Serious i love your writing it's so raw and fresh. you can relate to her feelings and understand what she's all about. Your writing's motivational and just so utterly wonderful.

AJ southern chapter 30 . 2/21/2009
DAMN... that story was so beautiful. A truly inspiring tale, I loved the altered story line, so unpredictable. Thank you. : )
Nimrodela chapter 7 . 1/28/2009
Your writing is incredible.

Never before i have red a book which have felt so real. First few chapters felt like reading my diary, only I'm not sure I want to read it all, I'm afraid this is too much like my story and your writing is so real that it feels like living it all again. I'm really amazed that anyone's writing can make such an effect on me.

Your writing really is incredible.
x0x0 chapter 30 . 10/12/2008
wow! i can't really describe how i feel about this story. it has so much heart and soul poured into it. this is probably the first time i've read a story that doesn't follow the standard way of writing. it's like poetry. great job!
elloello chapter 1 . 5/9/2008
you just wrote the last three years of my life. i went crazy over a best friend - the kind of crazy that you think is love because what else could make you want them after they treat you like shit, treat you like the best friend, not the girl - and it led to a complete breakdown of the person i'd always been. actually, this is bizarre, because i go to yale. (shit maybe life really won't get better for kaye.) and i went from yalie to a crying reak who satyed in bed because she didnt want to show her pufy eyes in section. then after two years, i gave it up. i hit my low and decided there was nowhere to go but up. so i said goodbye. only time i ever saw him cry. after living together for two years, we became strangers for the third. he's graduating in two weeks - and i won't go. i still miss him and i still love him. i keep waiting for it to end, but it hasn't yet. i wonder when.
anon chapter 30 . 4/8/2008
beautifully done. the arrangement and the words moved me. it was pure and i FELT what she felt because her emotions were so real, so true to life. it was simply awe-inspiring.
Okazaki chapter 30 . 1/12/2008
oh my god.

Kaye and Jon must be dehydrated all the time, due to the constant crying and whatnot.

and the sighing! Why is there so much sighing? In fact, that's pretty much the only way I can describe this story: Lost of crying and sighing.
Amanda chapter 30 . 10/7/2007
This is so... indescribable.

Iloveit- Iloveit- Iloveit- Iloveit- && Iloveit.

Your style is so raw. So lyrical. So humane. So poetic. So real. So... I don't know. I can't think of a good enough word that'll do it justice. But I know this is the kind of thing I'd reread over and over again. (I mean, I've already started my second time reading this)

Too bad I can't think of anything amazing enough to say. But that's just it, for me.

Unfailingly amazing.
RaindropsOnBlackRoses chapter 3 . 9/27/2007
This is interesting. I did get way too repetitive when she kept saying 'what a jerk' though.

I'm a little confused as to why Chris is saying that 'Monday is the beginning.'

Gotta read more later.
RaindropsOnBlackRoses chapter 2 . 9/25/2007
Wow...that was kinda crazy. I'll read more later.
the big crunch chapter 30 . 9/25/2007
your brilliantly amazing.

i was choked up the whole time.

and cried.
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