Reviews for Alliteration 'ain't' always agreeable
CrystalDusk chapter 1 . 3/25/2005
ok this i was just going thru your stuff to make sure i reviewd everything coz im shit bored and i swear this things lying to me... even though i SWEAR ive read this it says i havent reviewed... did u wipe my review? coz if u did im very hurt... but anywa bout this alliteration thang. why isnt it agreeable? just coz it makes you sound retarded sometimes...but i like pointing out when people sound retarded! thats a perfectly agreeable thing... :P ok.. ill shut up now...
R.Valaina chapter 1 . 12/9/2004
This is a funny poem. I enjoyed reading it. Keep it up!
elze chapter 1 . 11/14/2004
Whoa! So hypocritical yet twistedly comical!
I think this says alot. Its so good! like the way you incorporate all those ailliterations into it!
I could never do anything like that~!
goodo chapter 1 . 11/10/2004
ooh, i love humor! Funny poem, in a good way o' course!
goroz chapter 1 . 9/20/2004
WoW! how can u rhyme AND alliterate at the same time? Truly amazing. I can't do either... or is it I can do neither... ANYWAY, a very interesting little poem (n alliteration piece). Good for short yet interesting reading, and for people who want to read something light but get a bit confused!
teoh chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
ha ha! humorous poem - in a strange, (original!) very half-colloquial, half-complicated words... excellent jon, pulled off v skilfully (:
jemraja chapter 1 . 8/6/2004 complex - all this alliteratioN! n all these complicated words! i must say yu did a great job in making a poem with alliteration IN it, which is ABOUT alliteration. LOL! very skilfull - n totally original idea - i dun think there r many ppl who've thought of this - or been talented enough to pull it off! n very humorous too :P - yu cant lyk alliteration much huh? wut - were yu inspired by yur teacher setting yu this alliteration poem? LOL hahaha that all connects! inspired to write an alliteration poem pissed off about it write poem about being pissed off at the alliereation poem poem
woah ok i think i spelt alliteration one time too many...uh ok i jst did it agen *shrug* oh well - keep up the great work n upload more! i demand MORE FICTION!