Reviews for Crimson petals
rockspapersnscissors chapter 7 . 5/15/2014
This is such an adorable story! T.T I really loved it, Great Job! :')

Mythisea chapter 7 . 1/22/2012
I'll admit, I was a bit iffy about this story for the first few chapters since I didn't know where it was going and such, but in the end, I loved this story (: You did a great job with Precious's character. I also enjoyed the ending; it was moving, but you also finished up Precious and Sayyid's relationship by showing them in another life. I do have to say, after the very last few paragraphs, I all of a sudden really wanted to read about Kaori and Jeffery's experiences now that they are the leaders.
NormaJean Beausoleil chapter 7 . 8/22/2011
kinda sad but fitting for this story. thanks for sharing!
mooncat1016 chapter 7 . 4/3/2011
this is a wonderful story, i would love to see a second part. and i'd be glad to be an editor . my email is if you'd like feedback on anything specific. i adore yaoi. :)
Stormylady05 chapter 7 . 4/22/2010
I don't remember if I wrote a review on this story or not. But this one broke my heart. I cried at the ending when they left this mortal world together. But laughed together when Jeffrey thinks he hears them laughing in the garden or sees them for a brief moment somewhere. Its a beautiful love story with love, laughter and tears. Thank you so much.
Run chapter 7 . 2/6/2010
It's a great story. Love it
ayune01 chapter 7 . 12/31/2009
never thought the lovers will be dead. but logically, that's the best choices there is.

it's a little sad to finish it.*sobs*

thank you.
SheriyLyn chapter 7 . 12/30/2009
loved the story
Seque Me ad Meum Somnium chapter 7 . 6/14/2009
HORRIBLE! How could you! Jesus Christ! I get all attached to these two, and I really liked them too! really really! aw shit! and I'm crying! Not fair! Don't kill them! Your supposed to find a cure! or SOMETHING! I do not need this right now! Seriously! ok, but it was really really good, maybe a bit shaky in some spots but i'm too emotionally struck right now to go into that. It was amazing, but i seriously hate you! (Hate as in extremely love) ok, ending now.
Kageyama Tatsuya chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Dark! How is it possible that I haven't read this by now? I am thrilled with how well the prologue went. I shall definitely keep reading!
ChaoticFenris chapter 7 . 4/1/2009
aw that's so sweet
Death-Angel-Is-Here chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
wow. im only on chapter 2 but ill review you for what i read so far. i thought... it was... very... awsome(ignore the spelling erors please, i cant spell). ha you thought i was going to say it sucks or i hated it but i wasnt. i got u i got u. i really liked it and ill continue reading and leaving reviews. KEEP ON WRITTING!
JadeCade chapter 7 . 12/21/2008
I feel like I should be crying. But there was something about the ending that was so calm and perfect... Oh wait. Here comes the tears! Damn, it was just so perfect and beautiful and I swear I can just see it. I don't think there is any possible way that you could have written their ending any better.

I am trying to pace myself through your stories so I don't run out and go stir crazy waiting for updates or new stories but I can't help it. They're like a drug to me!
i-see-faeries chapter 7 . 9/29/2008
Super cute. For some reason though, I thought it would be longer. LOL. Really sweet. I love Jeffery and Kaori.
Sheepie chapter 7 . 9/22/2008
I never read this story all the way through so I did. Kind of sad, but then again not. It had a happy ending because Sayyid and Precious are still together. I wish there had been more of Jeffery and Kaori, they were my favorite. You should do a story on them and their work with the coven. Sept maybe this time no one dies in the end. roflmao. :) Loved it.
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