Reviews for Like It Or Not
guest chapter 10 . 3/23/2020
Who even knows if you get these reviews anymore?

I've been reading fanfic on other sites and original fiction on this site for the last 15 years. So few of my favorite stories as a teenager have stood the test of time. I work in PR and have an Ivy League degree in the written word and a husband and a dog and a child on the way. I say all that just to make it clear for the record: I have spent a very long time trying to understand, in an intellectual way, how the written word matters to people.

I think about Josh and Kay a lot. Your writing has improved over the years, blah blah blah, but the truly important thing about everything you ever wrote was the underlying characterization and *story*. The characters outlived, outlasted, and overpowered your ability to write them well. You were good then, and you were even better ten yearsish later, but honestly that never mattered.

You developed a good *story,* one that was universal and endures to this day. I think about Kay and Josh and Nicky and just like see it as part of the tapestry of stories that have shaped me.
atenea-in-the-sky chapter 28 . 4/14/2015
God, I'm kind of heartbroken you didn't finish this story, because I absolutely love it. However, I guess I can have a pretty good idea of how things could have developed from here on for them, so I suppose it's not such a bad ending, given the circumstances.
I love this whole series; you really narrate wonderfully.
tyves986 chapter 28 . 10/1/2014
uhh Josh is still under the impression that Kay cheated on him. When in the other book Claudia basically confesses she drugged him. I mean, was Kay a serial cheater or something, that I missed. I read it recently, so I am confused. Or is this part of him blocking out stuff, and basically forgetting stuff and trying to paint Kay into a jerk.

So, basically I feel this story redeems the stuff that happened in the first book, mostly because it was drama after drama after drama, with no breaks. An endless trainwreck, well, this wasn't much better but I felt there were breathers in there. I liked it a lot, and it was easy to read and get through. Though I felt there were inconsistencies, from the first to the this third book.

Okay Kay was a major jerk in the first book. Josh was an emotional trainwreck, for obvious reasons. This one Kay has his crap together, and Josh does not. Lot's of things I would have wanted to see. I wanted to see the conversation with the therapist. Why both of their families are really a bunch of interfering stalkers.

I liked it, I even liked where it ended. Though I feel I have unanswered questions.
AuroraBorealis13 chapter 28 . 8/2/2014
Please don't abandon this! It's brilliant. And I really wouldn't over-stress about any issues it may have (though none jumped out at me)-it's an immensely enjoyable read and I can tell that your writing has improved ten-fold since MTYT. I really want to see Josh and Kay relationship fully healed (or as healed as it can be), and I can't wait to see how Josh's relationship with Nicky develops. And Nicky. My God. You have the mannerisms of a little kid down perfectly and he's an absolute hoot! Please continue with this gem! XD
allancaldera chapter 28 . 8/6/2013
Omg I love this story so much please update Lion is amazing dont leave it hanging like this.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/19/2013
Please keep going. I am obsessed with this story. I've read all the bits and pieces from the Complications arc. I really want everything worked out with Kay and Josh. I love them together. I love these characters so much. This story has made me cry and yearn. Love you for writing this series.
Mcgde chapter 28 . 3/2/2013
Meh eh

I like it.

Potatoe chapter 28 . 2/5/2013
Great chapter :) I love Nicky/Josh dynamic! Please update soon!
Sundavar chapter 28 . 1/21/2013
I love this whole series and really hope you c
SomeSeriesOfLettersAndNumbers chapter 27 . 1/2/2013
You should stop worrying so much. The Josh and James scene was perfectly refreshing, a spark of good happenings in this sea of overwhelming drama. Not to say that the drama is too much; it's very real. This just was a good way to have made the audience smile.

Anyway, I'm loving the Complications arc with a passion. I can't wait to get it all finished.

James Hiwatari chapter 28 . 12/25/2012
Well, the chapter was good. The ending was kind of cute. The last scene in general was.
zomkei chapter 28 . 12/25/2012
Hello! I'm a returning old fan who read your stories years ago. I saw in my inbox an update from you not to long ago, and I can't tell you how thrilled I was. I restarted from the first part and just now finished LION. I am impressed with the rewritten series, so much more was put into it. Thank you so much for writing for us. Please continue, I look forward to the new rewrites/updates. Take care. 3
Not Abigale chapter 28 . 12/18/2012
Josh read my mind. I miss Dan too.
semantics chapter 28 . 12/12/2012
I love LION very much. This chapter was really sweet; I guess this is the turning point in their relationship as Josh is warming up to Nicky... sorta. Haha, I was hoping for some Josh/Dan action! I love J/D so I hope there will be some in the next chapter. Happy holidays! :-)
chibikodo chapter 28 . 12/10/2012
3 Josh and Nicky interacting, soooo adorable. I liked the last scene even better than the domesticity from the first scene of the chapter and Josh staring at Kay's dad and thinking about where Kay got his looks and some mannerisms from. Haha sounds like Kay has good genes. ;)
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