Reviews for Once Again
emily chapter 1 . 10/11/2004
emily chapter 2 . 10/11/2004
AHH! mia! i ned a new chapter! if u dont write it i'll have to do it myself!
emily chapter 1 . 8/11/2004
mia! it's so good (and sad). i love it! :-P
Candy-yum-yum chapter 2 . 8/11/2004
lol! i loved how you compaired our cafeteria food to the mcdonalds food! if thats what u did... poor elizebeth. i wonder if she'll ever meet up with jon again. Hmm, an example of the wronge thing to say was in this chappie. very nice job. this fic is so origional and different from anything else i read! (cough, fantacy, cough)
pacopuppy chapter 2 . 8/10/2004
omg mia! i loved it! yay, jon's famous! is lizzie gonna see him again? hm, i wanna know what happens! hey, u didn't have the pink penguin or the cheetoes! *tear* jk. wow, i'm really sugar drunk right now. i can't think clearly. yay, u thanked me for reviewing in the story! u'r welcome mia. now, i'm gonna go jump off a bridge, later.
Candy-yum-yum chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
aw, its so cute! i hope they hook back up after college since they seem so perfect together. this is a great story so far!
pacopuppy chapter 1 . 8/9/2004
omg mia, i loved it! must know what happens! lol. i hope lizzie and jon stay together, even though long distance relationships are hard. don't make them break up! please!
yay, now u love me forever cuz i reviewed! e! HYPER, and it's almost 2 in the morning!