Reviews for Green Lightning
Jaz108 chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
hey. .this was really good... really.. cos-.. id unno.. i jsut like it... weird, but then everything that is good is weird in someway., cos if it isnt then its not very original and then its usually not good.. am i rambling? i guess i am..

MigotoNayami7037 chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
... I am stunned. This is the BEST piece of work I've ever read in my life. There is no accurate way to describe what you did. The thoughts, the need, the descriptions, the ideas, the concepts, the eloquency, the sheer power of this writing is what makes me want to live. This should be published. Everyone everywhere should know about this story. It is the absolute most wonderful, moving, eloquent, fantastically written piece of work I have ever encountered. I shall put this link EVERYWHERE I can think of so people can see this. *applause* Superb job.
Dark Shadow Slayer chapter 1 . 2/22/2005
I just wanted to say that I really liked the summary- it's awesome. :P And I liked the realism of your story- it was very descriptive, very human, very plausible. Good job.
sarah chapter 1 . 9/1/2004
wow. uncomfortable. but good, you know? you know.
Lady Shriannan Santrea chapter 1 . 8/21/2004
I know I've said this before Shuzu, but I'm in awe. Seriously, this is amazing. To the point where I cannot describe it. You can take intangable things, like power and make them tangable. God I love the way you desribe her object of obsession's smell. Just...ah, I'm lost for words.
*Grins* I even know where the title came from. I just wished I could have seen it.
XxlustNlovexX chapter 1 . 8/21/2004
Wow. I absoloutly love this. So emo. So great.
Winter's Roar chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
Wow, hold son of a fricken gun that was, well, earth shatteringly awesome. That was deep, dark, powerful, gosh that was good. It goes beyond words, because it expresses feelings, feelings that can't be explained with words. But dang it was good, one of the best things i've read, and i've read pleanty. I love the phrases you've used, the questions you ask, the side comments that are made. This is some piece of work, absoloutely brilliant! Hats off to you on this marvelous poem, short story, whatever you call, it was marvelous!
~ winter
Bob n Kazzi chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
See! I told you that you should post it! *cheeky grin*
Deceptive-Innocence chapter 1 . 8/19/2004
Good! Really good such emotion it was a beautiful piece. I was just wondering if this is going to be a story or just a one-shot? email me with an answer please.
Little Miss Shadow chapter 1 . 8/19/2004
Holy shit. I've seen a lot of stuff over the years but damn. That was absoloutly spectacular. You'd better take that as a compliment, the only other things I describe as spectacular are sex and Shelby GT 500 Cobras. ;) But seriously. That's some of the best, heart-felt, riviting work I have seen in .
Ensorcell chapter 1 . 8/19/2004
Great piece, I thought it was fabulous.
There are, however, a few things I would change. Where you inserted that the person she thinks is so beautiful is a guy, it seemed kind of forced. And you don't need to bold the words, there's enough of the effect without that.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Bob n Kazzi chapter 1 . 8/19/2004
Like I said when you showed me it - wow. I really think it's a powerful piece. I like the way she loses her train of thought, becuase when your faced with something you're fascinated by, you do sort of randomly think things. And this follows the turn of events pretty much to a T. I think it's brilliant. Well done you!
*bloody mary's all around*