Reviews for Reawakening
UBambassador2006 chapter 1 . 3/24/2005
Hi Cthulthu. I'd like to apologize for my response to your review concerning Shiavo. It's just I've recently had lots of bad things happen in my life (which I won't burden you with) and I decided to take my anger out on you, sorry. I will say I still disagree with you, but I can see both sides of the case. It's not a very easy decision though, is it? Again, my apologies.
conservative121 chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
i would like to comment on something in your bio. you said. "Sodomy is the greatest act that a person can undertake. In other words, homo sex rules. We should all be gay, it would solve more problems".

now if we were all gay their would be no people left. and don't say cloning because 95% of all cones fail and the ones that succed have short lives.
Namir Swiftpaw chapter 1 . 12/6/2004

Thank you for all your nice reviews. :) I did not get them until today since Fictionpress' webmail was down for like...ever.

Anyway, I do like's especially good for your first piece.

You should write some more!

~Namir Swiftpaw
Aslan Israel chapter 1 . 11/24/2004
One of your best... you really are a good writer, you just need to write more. Great imagery with this, really. good job.
thepastisthepast chapter 1 . 11/5/2004
I like this, it is very interesting, and unique.
Goof Job,
RavenDove chapter 1 . 9/9/2004
weird. I'm not sure if I like or hate it. I has kind of a Egyptian in the Land of the Dead theam with the Iron pillow.
Mayhem6779 chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
I like the dichotomy... The difference between Nothing and Everything... In between, is insanity... We would lose our minds were it not for the fact that we can only focus on one thing or the other... If we saw both (the inherent joining of opposites...), we would cease to exist... PS: Check out my page...
Lauren Raven chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
Interesting...different than most of the poetry you see on here, but the metaphors are well done. Great job, keep writing, review me if you're free.