Reviews for Target of the Matchmakers old
Crestfallen Smile. Happy Tears chapter 26 . 6/23/2010
To put it simply, I loved it. I especially loved how everyone was in on the plan, I thought that was sweet.
Chocorange888 chapter 26 . 10/21/2009
This story was fun to read and it made my insides do flips. Although I thought the ending was slightly abrupt, it is nevertheless an enjoyable piece of writing. Thank you for your efforts.
palmsaresweaty chapter 19 . 8/6/2008
its really lame that they ALL want to set them up. DID EVRyone have to meddle?
Bookworm chapter 19 . 7/1/2008
This was a great story when I started out with it but it doesnt feel like it was the real ending. Mabe sort of just wimped out in the end and nothing even happened.
wireless chapter 26 . 9/20/2007
Hey, congratulations for your nomination on the story site (cant remember the name)I loved the Jerrod character but i think the end its just too corny, i mean i love romance and all sweet thing but you just kind of made Mabe a whimp in the end, well i still hope to read whatever you do next!
ihrtbks chapter 25 . 9/9/2007
I LOVE THIS STORY! This is my second time reading, and I still think it's absolutely adorable! And thirteen matchmakers for has to be obvious they go together. It's just a really really cute story!

Pop the Bubble chapter 22 . 8/31/2007
haha i was reading this, and i just wanted to note that, mabe's parents have an extraodinary sex life hahah

xx bubble
christinaxxyo chapter 25 . 8/11/2007
I liked your story. GOod job! :)
christinaxxyo chapter 24 . 8/11/2007
They got together! :)
christinaxxyo chapter 6 . 8/10/2007
Everyone's so concerned about Mabe! It's really adorable, actually...
christinaxxyo chapter 4 . 8/10/2007
I like that last part, about how the punching bag attacked her. Hahaha, creative. :)
christinaxxyo chapter 3 . 8/10/2007
Jer seems like an idiot to me, I'm not sure why though..
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 8/10/2007
I like this first chapter. Can't wait to read more! :)
christinaxxyo chapter 26 . 6/12/2007
I really want to read your story, it sounds really interesting. But I want to wait for you to be done revising/ rewriting it so I hope you finish soon!
ANGEL992210 chapter 25 . 3/17/2007
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