Reviews for A Vampyre
jor chapter 8 . 6/21/2006
jor chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
you spelled vampire wrong no offence i kind of buggs me when pleaple spell it with a y instead of an i just saying it dosen't matter it's just me yep and i like you screen name molest a peanut it's great
nautyangel chapter 8 . 11/14/2005
So ar you going to finish this story? Because Im into it.

Nokturnal Augury chapter 8 . 7/7/2005
ok~ so there wasn't another chapter for me to read. its ok i know how it feels to have a writer's block (i think mine would win a nobel prize x_x how does writing-it-for-5-years-have-a-block-for-a-year-and-a-half sound? REALLY BAD

then i realized...if u start talking (or chatting) w/ someone about the story, u get brainstormed and TADA! the wall tumbles. try it! if u ever want US to chat...well i'm online whenever im not 1-at work, 2-sleeping, 3-being bullied by my mom about being online all the time. my e-mail's and u can find me at aim under...fatestraik i hope it works if not mail me hehe. yahoo under fatestraik. msn under fatestraik. well, u get it o.O ok~ heehee! it would be cool to chat one day. i'll try to read some of your other stories too, tho i need to find time. must go to work now, then...write some more Outlaw cause i fear i sense a writer's block coming...sigh, shiva help me

ok c ya! and this story rocks, let it rest though. ideas will come when ur ready


Nokturnal Augury chapter 5 . 7/7/2005
wow this is so cool

i wanted to review now cause i dunno if i'll get the chance to read another chap before i go to work. goodygoody
Losuai chapter 5 . 7/3/2005
I love your story. Sorry about the writer block. Brain storm helps!
Bich chapter 2 . 6/10/2005
i've always had a thing for vamps! I'm the biggest Buffy fan!
KELLY4SVS chapter 5 . 3/25/2005
you most definately have to keep writing this one it is brilliant if not a bit ... detailed but that adds to the real life affect.. mcnair and smith seam likable as does noel.. keep writing
oceaneye chapter 8 . 2/26/2005
don't be sorry about writer's block! it's not your fault! i hope you do update, though, because your stories are really interesting. especially white lightening...want to read more of that one. and i hope you feel better about your dog, it's so sad. my dog just got cancer, and i hate it. (the cancer, not my dog!)
gypsylass chapter 5 . 1/27/2005
um, its on twice. youve probably already heard it, but yea. its a good chapter!
gypsylass chapter 4 . 1/27/2005
gypsylass chapter 3 . 1/27/2005
o hm! its good!
sammyraye chapter 6 . 12/7/2004
How come Dane is such a wimp? i mean she kicked his ass, thats kinda weird. i still like the story, but will he prove himself in the end? anyways its an awesome story and i look forward to future chapters
Consumed By Your Hate Of chapter 1 . 9/18/2004
awsome! n i like ur author title name thing heh funny. well im off to read the other chaps
shadowed love chapter 4 . 9/18/2004
WOW... all I can say is WOW!