Reviews for Revenant
MageDay chapter 4 . 12/10/2005
Take your time with updating. Your skills show, and your idea is very unique.
Philosopher of Shrouded Dreams chapter 4 . 12/3/2005
Dont worry, your not being annoying. im REALLY slow to update (as you no doubt noticed) and your asking for it prods me to write more :)
Mad Asher chapter 4 . 12/3/2005
AWESOME! THis is probably the best chapter so far, and there is so much good action and all, it's so amazing! Wow, descriptions are way advanced here, just because there was so much action and I like action. Traenann seems like a killing machine in this chapter, and I have no doubt that he is-LOL.

Again, I can't help but wonder why Traenann DID spare the prince, he doesn't seem like one who would have mercy...or even THINK, for that matter. But then how could he have suggested that they hold the prince hostsage?

Hmm, this seems very interesting, and all very mysterious. I am very interested to know what will happen to the prince. I am looking forward to the next chapter, so hurry up and UPDATE fast!

P.S No stress, right? Don't worry, if I'm being obnoxious or stressing you out just tell me. Take your time, LOL. And don't listen to me.

P.S Can you reciprocate (nvm)

Mad Asher chapter 3 . 12/1/2005
AWESOME! I would say that this chapter is by far the best, and this is like, only the 2nd one. I would wonder why many people aren't reviewing this, probably because they think this is short and sucks. Well I will remind them that while these chapters are short, the scenes and all the action is very descriptive and overall awesome.

Quality is definitely more important than quantity, and this dude has managed to show that. I would say work on building more words and using more vocabulary, but other than that, awesome.

The whole necromancy and the beginning battle between creator and the created is pretty awesome, I was wondering who this 'incredible' opponent was until I read the second paragraph (LOL)

Mad Asher chapter 2 . 12/1/2005
So far, this is looking PRETTY GOOD! And I mean it! While your chapters are very short, it is full of meaning and each words is not to be ignored. This is very good so far, and I would say it is a cross between 'Warcraft' and 'Eragon'.
