Reviews for Once In The Forest
kris89 chapter 15 . 12/3/2006
hey. whatever happened to the rest of the book?
Darkening angel chapter 14 . 1/13/2006
please update when you have the time, im really sorry about your grandpa, i had some family issues last year with my grandpa too...
aferdeity chapter 15 . 12/20/2005
well can't say i'm not pised but i understand wish my grandpa was still alive
CrAzEdReViEwEr chapter 15 . 12/14/2005
aww, i'm sorry to hear that, i hope ur family is strong during this condolensces to you.
SCAREDYcatSCRIBBLER chapter 14 . 11/22/2005
Very great! Am once again enthralled by your brilliance! "wink wink" One suggestion why not let lady emilie be waiten for nico, on there bed? just a suggestion,lol!
theshyfox chapter 14 . 11/21/2005
Holy mother of... ok you got it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write another chapter! O.o you had my squeeling and screaming ((thats a good thing)) AH! write more!
aferdeity chapter 14 . 11/9/2005
i rreally liked your story one of th best i have read in this sight before of course i havent been here that long but i still loved it and about your sex scene you asked for pointers well when a guy's you know what is really big he usually uses his finger first he does 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers to get her used to it and maybe open her up if you know what i mean and it eases the pain a little. another thing is i like he wolvev but you haven't told me what color they are or what Nico looks like for that matter all i know is he is handsome though in my mind he has black curly hair and electric blue eyes but that's just me your the author and should place the image in my head do me a favor though don't let her get raped and please let her baby live it would make me happy cause sad endings really suuck ass i mean what ss that point if it ends bad well i guess shakespears and titanic wasn't that bad but still that's cause they were really good and i want them to end up together but angst is still good oh and sex scenes while people are still angry are great i know i love them cause then they are more brutal and in just sick that way well sorry for going on and on i tal A LOT any of my freinds would agree hopes this helps thoug cause I'm gonna start writting soon myself and am kind of nervous about it and reading your story really inspired me sincerely

beauty to great to be comparedand maybe eyes too blindaferdeity
BlackFireyPhoenix86 chapter 14 . 10/29/2005
I hate Emilie... She's a stupid very bad word, that I will not say on here... Poor, Desdemona, now whats going to happen to her?... And I do hope that Lord Dominic is nice to her seeing as she is pregnant.. And I also hope that Nico, comes back really soon...

Anyways, Great story and a really great chapter...

I can't wait until the next chapter comes out...

Keep up the good work... _

And Happy Halloween... I love Halloween!
ijustliketoreadurstories chapter 14 . 10/29/2005
good chapter keep up the writing
miss understanding chapter 14 . 10/5/2005
Oh, I'm sorry :( That's awful. Don't worry about it. I don't think anyone will get mad at you. update life and family life are different and you take all the time you want. Bye. ~Choco
Moonlight Silver Wolf chapter 14 . 10/4/2005
Don't worry about it. Go to your grandfather. family is more important. I just lost an uncle unexpectedly. Spend as much time with him as possible.
K chapter 14 . 10/4/2005
I am so sorry about your grandpa. do not worry about writing. I hope you and your family get through this alright. Remember to celebrate his life, and the love he has for you.
miss understanding chapter 13 . 9/25/2005
E so many chapters, but I read them all! _ *points to badge* Badge::I read all five new chapters:: I'm so glad Nico and Des are finally together! I like how their little scene was sweet and not exploited like so many others are. It was...dare I say it...cute? I was mad when he punished her. I know it was purely out of concern but that didn't make me any less mad. They better not die! lol. _~ Update soon. Toodles! ~Choco
miss understanding chapter 8 . 9/18/2005
Haha...I like her little conversation with Nico:

"I broke your heart?" He asked in amazement.

She glared at him. "Who told you that?"

"You just did."

Really funny. Made me laugh. I like this story and will finish reviewing a little later. Great job. I hope you update soon! Toodles! ~Choco
miss understanding chapter 7 . 9/18/2005
I think that even though Nico puts on airs of 'tuffness' he's really full of 'fluffness'. I'm glad he and Robert are healing Des. I really like her as a character and don't want her to die.
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