Reviews for The Guardian Prince
Guest chapter 22 . 4/26/2018
A really nice story with a great plot. However, I believe it would be even better if it was better structured in regards to details of the characters, setting and the minor details that will give the story better flow.
Brightheart chapter 22 . 12/24/2011
rly nice story. like it a lot.
R. Tist chapter 22 . 6/1/2010
Beautiful read. :"D Loved the fluff, action was awesome, and they lived happily ever after. What's more to love?
Cajun-hick chapter 22 . 5/9/2010
It's very cute! I liked it! I loved when she was kidnapped by Ric. And the conversation with her parents the morning after! That was priceless! Great job!
AJS chapter 22 . 3/21/2007
Someone said that there was something missing from this fic and I think I figured out what it is: development. You have a good plotline and good ideas but I think what you need more of is development of the characters, the actions that happen, and their relationships. I feel like a lot of the times, Ric's actions seemed so OCC but then I realized that he never really had an established personality to begin with. I see that he has a strong leadership quality... but then everything after that is just kind of free to be whatever.

I think it's cute though. I read this story because I was intrigued by the plotline, and I still do like the plot. I'm glad that they have a happy ending and the Genie & Ric end up together without any real complications. However, I think that you could improve your story to be even greater if you took some time to develop the characters' personalities & the events that occur, going into more detail. I feel like everything was kind of glossed over.

Cute story though (: It was a nice, light read :D

- Alyssa
ItalianQT chapter 22 . 4/22/2006
Aw! I love happy endings! Good story! : )
BangBangYourDead chapter 22 . 12/21/2005
sweet ending! I loved it all.
EternitiesAngel chapter 22 . 11/17/2005
o i really loved this story. it was unbelieveably imaginative and descriptive, i couldnt wait for more! awesome job

jukeboxsabotage chapter 22 . 7/29/2005
good job. everyone likes a "prince meets princess and falls in love and lives happily ever after" piece of fiction. XD
fairy-catcher chapter 22 . 6/22/2005
to be honest, I think this story lacks something, maybe some creativity and originality, have I mentioned that it looks like you made a fanfic of the Princess Diaries? Hell, i don't think so, but yeah it looks that way, and Schenovia sounds like Genovia...

any way nice story!
Red-rose-diva chapter 22 . 6/21/2005
queen-lala chapter 22 . 6/21/2005
aw! that was really sweet! it's good that this is a happy ending_ keep up the good work_
queen-lala chapter 21 . 6/2/2005
aw that's sweet, that's good that they got married...update soon!_
gonnabefamous chapter 20 . 5/25/2005
Oh how cute! I assume this is the end of their romance good story.
fairy-catcher chapter 20 . 5/24/2005
Nice addition to your story! SO thrilling!... So you're gonna end this soon right? after the marriagae or there's more to come? more to gerard than what he's showing? :))
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