Reviews for A Revolution Kind (previously titled Pretty Shade of Grey) |
Ibbonray chapter 7 . 1/19/2014 Having been to Disneyland in 2005 I felt almost connected to this chapter, even though Space Mountain wasn't open yet and I was very young at the time. Wonderful, as always. |
Ibbonray chapter 1 . 1/19/2014 Ha ha. Loving this so far. Imagining Vaan actually going up to a grocery store clerk and saying "yo, Maurice, where's the mixed salad greens at?" because it makes me laugh. Excited to read more. |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 13 . 12/8/2013 It's over *sad face* I feel like there should be a sequel to this. I hope there is because I can't believe this story is finished. It was amazing and I loved it and if you published it, I would definitely buy it. |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 12 . 12/8/2013 I am so sad that this is almost over! It's been such a good and fun read, though! I enjoyed every bit of it :) |
Guest chapter 11 . 12/4/2013 I am so sad that I'm almost to the end :( It's been a good read, though! |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 10 . 12/4/2013 I can not get over how well you wrote Vaan's character and how much fun he is to read about :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 9 . 12/2/2013 I love it. I was a little afraid there for a moment, but my favorite chapter so far :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 8 . 12/1/2013 I love the ending of this chapter. Vaan asked so casually and it was really sweet :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 7 . 12/1/2013 Long chapter :) Nice, though, I really do like Vaan and Saul's relationship :) |
fellintothemoon chapter 1 . 12/1/2013 Hello, there. This is Melissa from the fiction reviewing site "A Drop of Romeo". Pretty Shades of Grey has been reviewed under the "slash" category by none other than me. Here's your review: Melissa Thinks: Alyn Drasil (the author of several other well known slash stories, including In Manitou) tells the heartwarming story of Vaan and Saul, two college kids who end up finding solace in one another after realizing that their strangely unusual relationship could be worth more to each other than anything else. Right off the bat the author hits you with their strong voice and unforgettable character development. The chapters are pretty compact, about ten thousand words each, but there's only thirteen in total and so it's quite easy to get lost in the bulk of the story. This does, however, seem to be one of those ones that you can gobble up in one day without even realizing how much time has passed. Literal slash perfection in under 130,000 words, Pretty Shades of Grey can warm even your coldest days with its bright humor, compelling characters, and stellar (b)romance. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this story - I encourage everyone to read it! |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 6 . 11/30/2013 Aw, they are so cute together. I find that this story is one of those that I can't stop reading :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 5 . 11/30/2013 No, you didn't lose Vaan's personality. I really couldn't tell the difference :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 4 . 11/30/2013 I love Vaan, he's so amusing :) |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 3 . 11/30/2013 I love the relationship between the two of them. It's so casual and not forced. I also like how laid back Saul is about his accident, maybe it just helps to have the right person to talk to it about. :) Nice work. |
FinnickOdairFan chapter 2 . 11/30/2013 I love the uncommon names and I love this story so far :) |