Reviews for Blackmail Love
Crystal Child chapter 1 . 10/25/2004
o...this is looking to be just as good as Finding Heaven...hurry with the next chapter! _
Sheepie chapter 1 . 10/21/2004
XD Lol, this review is three days old. I read this story like two days ago. Stupid FP not letting me review! -kicks- lol. Anywho. Omg, Allan is such a jerk! I love Lincie! He's so sweet and cute. I just wanna pinch his cheeks. Lol. I can't wait for an update. This story sounds really good, but like you said in AIM it's gonna be a LOT of work. Well good luck sweets, you know I'm gonna be rooting for you all the way!
redredredred chapter 1 . 10/20/2004
cute _ update, update! -
Chardae chapter 1 . 10/18/2004
X-D So good! I wonder what Allan's blackmailing Linc with...hmm..oh the possibilites! lol Cant wait until the next chpater and the bonus chpater for "Finding Heaven"! _
Chantrea Johari chapter 1 . 10/16/2004
I left another long-ish review and Fictionpress erased it *again* so let's hope that it works this time. I'll try to recall everything I said. This story was everything I hoped it would be and more. I'm really intrigued by how Allan got Lincoln into his bed, and I'd be interested to find out (hopefully) in later chapters exactly what Allan is blackmailing Lincoln with. I hope to see how their relationship progresses, especially after the conversations they have with Armand and Destin in Finding Heaven. I'm glad that you put Armand in this already, and it's interesting to see how Armand and Allan interact with each other. I can just see the two rich businessmen discussing thier respective male lovers and sipping wine. _ It was wonderful, amazing, and many other adjectives I am uncapable of thinking of at the moment. I'm looking forward to more of this.
LacrossexJunkie chapter 1 . 10/16/2004
YESH! You made one about Allan and Linc...YAY! I loved them when they were in Finding Heaven, but now that they have their own story I love them more! _ Awesome chapter, update as soon as you can.
Staris chapter 1 . 10/16/2004
wah i love it! i'm so glad you decided to do a story on it! . man, i can't wait to find out what exactly the blackmail is! bravo! anyways awesome chapter! update soon. .
akiba chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
Aw, Linclon is so CUTE! I love it and can't wait for more!
Heh, I always loved Lincoln during Finding Heaven lolz
ChildrenOfTheKorn69 chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
Yay another story! I like this one as well. Allen is a prick, and he is stupid...but I think that he will get better...hopefully! lol..I like Linc! And I feel sorry for him. Hope things get better between the two! Update soon! Great work!
J.D. California chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
OMG DARKY yay! yopu finally gotit done! i luv it so much! hehe! cant wait til next chap -wink-
Kaikeyi chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
yey! i didn't know if you were actually going to do linc and allans story! *huggles linc* poor baby . evil Allan!
. update soon, love [Kai]
Sasha L. Miller chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
yay! i really wanted to see this story, the glimpses you gave of it in finding heaven were so tantalizing! i can't wait to see more and i really enjoyed reading this chapter. and i love lincoln's accent. i love most accents, especially when they're well written. except indian accents (and i do mean indian, not native american). half the Teacher Assistants at my college are from that area and i can never understand half of what they're saying...
ok, anyway, back on topic... splendid story, so far just as good as your others. i await your next update with much enthusiasm... :-D
Aharah Musici chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
It is nice to finally get updates! Although not the couple I voted for it is extremly intresting to read!
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