Reviews for Us, Them, and Those
behind the smiles chapter 149 . 12/31/2007
hi di!

...i'm emily's friend jess, and she told me to read this story,so i did and it's really really really really amazing. good job!

~jess chapter 1 . 11/22/2007
hey i was wondering if u cud send me the copy of it, i loved the story the first time i read it and constantly checked for updates and i wanted to re-read it and yeah ]
GoddessofBlue chapter 149 . 6/10/2007
Well, I definitely had a lot of time on my hands.. I successfully killed hours reading this story and I really enjoyed it. And yeah, I, too, would punch someone in the face for selling a guitar just to get a cell phone. *sigh* I enjoyed the story and think that you're an awesome and realistic writer. I was actually surprised that it ended like that... I was actually hoping she'd go back to being an Us. But it was still great and I can't wait to read more of your stuff.
GoddessofBlue chapter 143 . 6/10/2007
*cries* I didn't get to see all of chapter 142 and it makes me very very sad :-(
GoddessofBlue chapter 104 . 6/10/2007
I hope I'm happily filling up your email with all of these comments :) I just wanted to say: You know why I like this story? Because it's so much like an actual diary. You talk about the fun moments without going overboard. You talk about the sad moments without being too whiney. It's just a perfect mix of everything. And really realistic. I like it. On to the next chapter :)
GoddessofBlue chapter 77 . 6/10/2007
This is so cute and probably my favorite chapter so far. I love it... just getting to watch them have fun and be crazy and stuff. It makes me happy.
GoddessofBlue chapter 75 . 6/10/2007
When I was in 8th grade we had a talent show and 5 of the popular guys dressed up in janitors uniforms with nametags of the names of people from our staff on them and sang a Backstreet Boys song. It was great. Your story reminded me of that when you talked about the kids in the hats. *sigh* Memories.
GoddessofBlue chapter 66 . 6/10/2007
DDR! That is so the best game ever. I know it's been forever since I've reviewed this, but I just found it and started reading it over again. I love it so far and am so glad that I'm not even close to being finished. Yay!
musiclover4life chapter 15 . 4/7/2007
This is actually a great story. Sorry if that sounds sad it's just I was shocked, I don't normally read stories written in diary enteries, but I think I may start now. Man, Liz is a sad. Any way awsome story.
siddika chapter 149 . 1/20/2007
When YesterdaY comeS chapter 149 . 10/26/2006
just finished. That was so good, Di. You have no clue. Your writing swamps mine.
When YesterdaY comeS chapter 145 . 10/26/2006
:( i remember chapter 145. That must have sucked. Bad.
When YesterdaY comeS chapter 126 . 10/26/2006
chpt 126: write&roll: I cant go... shouldn't it be I CAN go? lol
Yoshef ben Daffid chapter 105 . 10/25/2006
Florida must have been fun for you. I lived there for like 6 months. So go me.
Yoshef ben Daffid chapter 104 . 10/25/2006
:(... 104 is depressing. :((

but lol...

Diandra: Just shut up, ok?

Mrs. May: Diandra!

Diandra: It was Joey.

Joey: It was... (looks around frantically) Frank!

Diandra: (to midair) FRANK!

Mrs. May: ...
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