Reviews for Nutmeg aka Coffee Shop Story
twinerd chapter 31 . 3/27/2009
that was a very good chapter, but i was kind of dissapointed that Drake wasnt there. lol. please dont make Alora go out with someone else. Are you planning on getting them together, because i just think that they will be perfect. update soon :D
Fayes Love chapter 30 . 3/22/2009
This better not have been the chapter that you thought was boring and useless. It's so much fun! D

Especially when you consider his reaction to her comment about showing up to the ball in her birthday suit. XD

That was pretty epic. Poor Drake, though. _ ;

I guess he is in actuality not all that confident when it comes to talking to people who could control his business. _ ;

I wonder what that Norwegian comment was supposed to mean, though it certainly sounded a bit like a swear. Was it closer to "God help me" or something to that effect? XD

I'll try to find out on my own. Let's see if you get to me first or if I find out first!


Anyway, this chapter was dead sexy in a miniskirt, so if this was supposed to be the 'useless' chapter, I hope you realize it was most certainly NOT 'useless'. This provided some golden character building, after all. D

Anything that could startle Drake so badly that it'd make him choke is definitely worth reading.

If that something is hearing Alora talk about the possibility of her going around in the buff, that's character building! D

*evil giggle* XD
twinerd chapter 30 . 3/21/2009
that was amazing. when I saw that you updated, I was so happy because I thought that you abandoned this story. Are they going to get together? They would be perfect for each other. Your writing was also amazing! update soon!
Fayes Love chapter 29 . 3/8/2009
I watched Watchmen tonight. It was an amazing, exciting movie that lasted three some odd hours and left me feeling joyful and triumphant... and admittedly, slightly aroused. XD

To get to read your latest chapter after watching that movie, however? TRULY makes these few hours the best I've had in a twenty four hour span.

I was wickedly excited reading the dialogue between The Suit and The Artist, and nigh cackling while enjoying the dialogue between the two artists, Kenda, and later with the delectable Miss Fallon. D

To say this chapter brought joy into my life would be putting it lightly. You are a master of the fictional romance novel, love, and I hope you realize your talent for it. X3

P.S: I hope this isn't the' dorky and unimportant chapter' you were telling me about earlier. This was a LOT of fun. XD


Honestly, I would have PAID to see that comment from Kendra including her implication that Drake would be... an exciting bed mate, putting it kindly... XD

I really hope I put that politely. XD

*girlish giggle*

I am briefly saddened when I think that I won't see another chapter for about two weeks, but knowing it will come cheers me right back up. _

Here's hoping everything goes well for you in the end! 3

Sincerely, your long time reader and fan(actic? XD),

Fayes Love
Anique chapter 29 . 3/8/2009
I like it, I think it's better than many other chapters because it's lighthearted and has got two of my favorite things on the story; Crazy Renee and Alora dancing. I also like the fact that Drake and Alora finally seem to be making a romantic connection, even if they're not the one's connecting the dots. The return of Kendra was good, though I wish you could have expanded that a bit. Anyway, great chapter, continue to update regularly!
weroiajg chapter 29 . 3/6/2009
Haha, I really liked reading this one! This was such a happy, warm-fuzzy kind of chapter thanks to what looks like PROGRESS in the mushiness of Drake and Alora together! Hm, I - we all, probably - hope?

Good call on the Indian buffet and chai tea. I wonder what Alora's grandparents would say if they knew the details of her friendship with the suit. Perhaps they'll have a chance to find out if they see her at the charity ball? And speaking of the ball - I'm actually pretty curious as to what her dress is going to look like. Picturing clothing is something I wish I could pull straight from the brain of the author. I like that Alora was a debutante (especially without a formal coming out) because she is such a different character from the debs I knew growing up. Also enjoyed the teasing at the end - I feel it was a long time in coming.

Thanks for the update - hope school doesn't eat you alive! Looking forward to your next update already, as always. :)
twinerd chapter 29 . 3/6/2009
Wow. This is an amazing chapter, as always :D I really loved the way Alora was blushing when they were mentioning about her liking Drake. Are you going to put the ball in the next chapter? I really want them to get together. They have way to much chemistry to just stay friends. Your writing was also really good in this chapter. Update soon, and good luck on midterms!
twinerd chapter 28 . 3/5/2009
The story line is amazing. Your writing is also really good. I really cant figure out where you are going with your story, though. Are you going to make Alora and Drake a couple? Because I think that they would be very good together. Please update!
Rainiex chapter 28 . 2/28/2009
hey, i love your story, Drake seems so mysterious and I'm still not sure where it is going. Can't wait for the next chapter!

can you add me to the mailing list too ?

Thank you so so so so much.
Christie chapter 28 . 2/26/2009
I know this was unintentional, but I found this tidbit to be pretty hilarious: "Most of the dinner group went back to Ryan’s for drunks..." :D Let's go get some drunks!

Great story over all though. I've been reading since you began like 2 years ago :D
werwtrjkjh chapter 28 . 2/26/2009
I'm getting really comfortable with this weekly update thing you've got going on! Really enjoyed the chapter this time, but, really, what's new? It's a little sad to remember that this story will be finished in its written form in ten chapters.

I didn't think Alora would get the space to order lunch sometimes, but I'm pretty pleased she does! The change is looking good on both of them. Drake and Alora's interactions are often my favorite parts - there's always room for contentment, giddiness, impatience, irritation, and speculation on the part of the reader in those scenes. Mm, I really liked that the suit got slipped a piece of cake while in a meeting!

Has Drake ever had a girlfriend? I mean, it's fairly obvious that he could call for one and get seven, but I've been wondering if there was ever a lady he thought worthwhile enough to make time for - aside from his mother, sister, and Alora.

I have to say that Ryan seems a bit much at times to me. I would think that someone with such a flashy personality would have to have been punched/slapped/smote down in public at least once in real life. Perhaps such a thing has happened to him? Then again, I have known someone very much like him, and he always managed to carry on just as excessively no matter what. The great thing I do like about Ryan is just how much of a near-perfect contrast he is to Drake - and believably so, both in the eyes of this reader and presumably Alora's.

Thanks for the update - can't wait for the next one! :)
Fayes Love chapter 28 . 2/26/2009
Love it, love it, love it. XD

I loved the included tid bits about Drake's personal life (When he graduated high school, when he formed the company. The bit about his sister's state revealed earlier, but in three weeks! Family! 3 I hope they take to Alora... _ ), and how he's eased up so much... _ ;

In the case of a story like this, if you were willing to, you could go back and correct stuff, add in bits here and there... otherwise, it's fine. X3
smudged sunshine chapter 27 . 2/26/2009
I am extremely happy that you're updating again :] I love how the story is progressing! Alora and Drake have a special place in my heart as far as fictional characters. How many chapters will this have by the end?
Fayes Love chapter 27 . 2/21/2009
I absolutely loved it! A lot of care was taken with the interaction between Drake and Alora during the pottery lesson, and it's those conversations the way they are done there that make me love this story and the idea of those two becoming a couple so much. X3

I can't wait to read the next chapter for more elaboration on these 'true stories' and learn what Alora has learned.

A question or two, however... Drake says that he will cut his hair, 'eventually.'

Is that to say that he wears his hair long on purpose? That it symbolizes some sort of unfinished business or agenda, and that he will only cut his hair once his goal has been reached?

Is this what his nebulous "Eventually" means? Maybe it's to help his mother and sister, or maybe it's a goal within his company... but it sounds like it must be deeply personal. I can't wait to hear about it in the story. -

Here's hoping I actually hear it, as a reader. .;

Anyway, I love it as always, though there were grammar errors here and there. Nothing huge, but they're there. _ ;

I can hardly wait for the next chapter, so I otherwise patiently await it. X3

I hope you get better soon: lots of orange juice and water helps! D
MzKit10 chapter 27 . 2/20/2009
I love this story. Its my favourite. Just thought you should know...

Drake with his hair out? kinda hard to imagine. A nice touch to the chapter. I liked the companionship between the two, its very human.

Well done and please update soon. Good luck with the study and stuff.

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