Reviews for America's Sweetheart |
bunhead chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 I loved this chapter, but the end was frustrating. Jesse is my favorite character and he and Eve are so cute and perfect for each other. So I loved the chapter except for the ending which adds more drama but makes me mad at Eve for being stupid and furious with Luke for even being there. Oh well, I guess that is what you call a plot. Update as soon as possible! |
Unrecognizable chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 I love Eve's personality. She is so funny! UPDATE SOON! |
pixy-dizzy chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 Oh...poor Jesse! I mean, it is partly his fault...but I must admit that Eve is being a little...spoiled...I guess she's used to getting her own way. But it's nice that she has the unlikable qualities about her too...I love it. Fantastic job. Please update soon! |
black robin chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 Niice. Clay annoys me. Please let her end up with either Luke or Jesse, please not Clay. Please! |
class.act chapter 5 . 7/13/2005 I just started rereading the story, and have to say, its not all that bad u so sorry for that earlier, um.. (cough)outburst(cough):)btw, u've got me a bit confused, i mean, if rebecca's not really her mom, then how does eve look like her?( |
class.act chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 OH MY GOD! JUST WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?i mean, really, i thought ur earlier Jesse-Eve getting together was *so* much better! the whole ex-girl-getting-bitchy-guy-responding thing!i mean, i still love the story(especially Jesse!) but WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? |
gonzogrig chapter 6 . 7/13/2005 What happened to the ending? where is the ending? this is not the ending, it's not even a fake ending it's justan end and there is a difference between an end and an ending. where is the next chapter? |
IsabellaCat chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 aw poor poor Jesse! he's so sweet! I AM A JESSE-FAN!Update really really soon please! |
Ashley chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 hahah Eve's pissy sorta...doesn't like to be taken...I like her...she funny. Great story made me laugh in some parts. |
DuchessYappingDog chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 Aw. Hahahaha. I like Jesse, even if he's kind of stupid and said that he was her boyfriend without asking her first. Luke is... bah, too famous. You know what I mean? I guess I like the bad boys [even if I don't think I'd ever be with one in real life.] |
Chronic State of Mind chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 ::gasps:: You're seriously not pulling the plug on this are you? You can't. I've fallen in love with this gem and am eagerly awaiting the next installment. I hope you get a lot of reviews and if I had time i'd review a hundred times because this story definately deserves it. Keep up the wonderful work! |
fairy pwincess chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 OMG you totally changed the last part of the story! You made her hate Jesse again. Why? How could you do that? Jesse is the BEST! Plz update soon again. Who cares about the reviews. As long as you have a bunch of faithful reviewers like moi than you are fine! BTW if you keep on updating more regularly then who knows, you might get more reviews... ~*fairy pwincess*~ |
devil's-fav-angel chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 luke is bad Bonds is good |
betalight chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 NO! Stupid girl, don't leave him! ...yes, I am a Jesse fan. Anyway, I really like this story - I can't wait to read what happens next! |
NoMoreTears chapter 6 . 7/12/2005 GAH! WHY did you have her be a bitch to Jesse again? *wails* You evil, evil woman. And if you disappear for that long again I will... . heh. Lovin' it. And I leave you with the incredibly cliche UPDATE SOON! xx |