Reviews for America's Sweetheart
RomanceJunkie3 chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
So they're together now, huh? Cassidy is definetly a bitch. im making random comments rite now so dont mind me.
Basketball Girl chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
Yayy! You updated! I can't believe that just happened! lol! Plz update!
DarkPiro chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
THIS IS AN AWESOM STORY! ... now that i got that over wit... Jesses so cool and clay... clays an asshole... anyway cant wait to read the next chapt.!
NoMoreTears chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
Hello... nummy jesse. he's my fav, i thinkies... clay's a close second, though. goodie, i want them to go out D Happy moi.
DragonAiua chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
hollykesten chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
i cant tell ya how much i loved that post! loved the last line... Get on the bike... way well done! keep up teh good work!
Chookstar chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
Cutiness for everyone! That was gorgeous! I love the lipstick on the teeth comment, it was great! There's really not that much more to say asides from you are safetly keeping yourself in Legend staus, especially by updating so fast and giving us lots of Jesse goodness lol!
michelle chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
::Cries:: why does the perfect guy have to exisit in a story and hes taken no less! ::sighs:: i abosolutly love your story its so good! i got so into it please update soon cant wait for another chappie! I love clay but god jesses so hott lmao
mycherrywolf chapter 21 . 1/3/2005
_ YES! Jesse x Eve, w00t! Now this is one pairing I like! They're really cute together. Update soon! I wanna see Clay's reaction to the two.
blueangel87 chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
Cute chappie! I can see problems arising from the now official couple though, lol.

I like the speed of your updates by the way! I wish all good writers were as good!
sunshower chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
aww, sweet. This is getting very complicated by this point! Can't wait to read more. :D
city-gal7 chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
THey're going out! not the way i wanted them to start dating..but at least they're going out now! keep updating
Kalake chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
Oh.. My.. GOSH! I'm so happy that Even doesn't actually have a problem with a hottie like Jesse making out with her. And now they are officially gf/bf.. so... it makes me wonder. Are there some serious girl fights up ahead? Because I can just SEE the look on Clay's face when he watches them.
Miss Meticulous chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
Hehehehe this is cool. I like this story.
Momo-Sama chapter 21 . 1/2/2005
*sob* That chapter was so cool! Update!
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