Reviews for Reverie
A dissapointed reader chapter 9 . 11/11/2007
When I first started reading, I must say I was intrigued, especially with how the beginning chapter was presented. I was even later delighted when I found out that the main character was a lesbian, someone I could personally identify with. However, I couldn't feel anything but pure disgust when she started enjoying her master's treatment of her, yet I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. After all, he could have very well slipped her an aphrodeisiac to increase her guilt and thus further break her spirit. Yet she continues to enjoy his detestable treatment, which leaves me to wonder what the point of this story truely is? Is it a depiction of the psychological reparations of slavery and rape (as your synopsis leads one to believe) or simply a typical male fantasy in which a lesbian realizes her desire for phallic penetration? Yes, I realize that the main character states several times that she "hates herself for desiring him," but she doesn't seem to be trying too hard either. She gives in without a fight after you portray her to be willful and strong. I'm sorry, but no woman, no matter how week-willed, would give in that easily and be eagarly giving oral sex to her captor by their third encounter. Especially not a woman who has had proir no experience with a penis. It's not realistic in least and it has made me lose respect for this story and its writer as well.
AubriannaKnight chapter 13 . 8/6/2005
sensational and brillant. you should have this published with everything in it that you had to take out. . i don't even have the words to describe how much i loved this story.
Wolfie Star26 chapter 13 . 12/1/2004
wow, that was freaky, but it was awesome, i loved it. keep up the good work.
Wolfie Star26 chapter 10 . 11/29/2004
umm i wonder how she'll react to that. please update soon.
princess max chapter 9 . 11/24/2004
*cries* don't edit out the sexual content!

Another great chapter, anyway!
Wolfie Star26 chapter 9 . 11/24/2004
umm, wonderful chapter. i hope it ends soon. not the fic, i hope what he does to her ends soon. update please.
princess max chapter 8 . 11/23/2004
Sorry, but I still sympathise with Karah. Perhaps I just see a different side to her, because I don't know her personality as well as you do. At least not yet.

I love this story, and how far Oliana's going to fall intrigues me. Update soon!
princess max chapter 7 . 11/22/2004
Wow, Oliana's really in deep. It's oddly erotic, the set-up, what's occurring, the fact that the reader has no idea what Christien's going to do with her...

Feel sorry for Karah though. Aww. Oh well, s**t happens.
Wolfie Star26 chapter 5 . 11/20/2004
this is awesome, i can't believe that she feels the pain from what happens. its kinda sick, but i like this. please update soon.
princess max chapter 5 . 11/19/2004
Oh, interesting. I wonder how this is affecting her 'real life'?
Tears of Stardust too lazy to login chapter 4 . 11/17/2004
Wow, this is a really interesting story...I love how she never really sleeps, just goes to that freak castle world. Man. I really enjoy this story and hope you choose to continue on with it.
Miss Wendy chapter 4 . 11/15/2004
I was only teasing about the short chapters:-) I love the story, and I enjoy the characters; Karah and Oliana are both nice without being sickeningly sweet.
princess max chapter 3 . 11/15/2004
The most annoying thing about this is the length of the chapters:-) Your 'voice' is extremely clear & coherent, not to mention VERY easy to read to read and I will await your next update:-)
princess max chapter 2 . 11/14/2004
These chapters are way too short *cries*. I *must* know more, the plot is utterly intrigueing (sp?). There was something about the description of the jewels in the goblets in the first chapter that I really, realy liked. I don't know why. I'm not very coherent, sorry, it's Monday.